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千年桐半木质化春梢扦插繁殖及生根机理研究     被引量:20

Study on cutting propagation and rooting mechanism of semilignified spring shoots of Vernicia montana



英文题名:Study on cutting propagation and rooting mechanism of semilignified spring shoots of Vernicia montana

作者:周幼成[1,2] 钟秋平[1] 李清平[3] 刘微芬[1] 邹玉玲[1] 田丰[1] 葛晓宁[1] 曹林青[1]








外文期刊名:Journal of Central South University of Forestry & Technology





外文关键词:Vernicia montana;softwood cutting;plant growth regulators;anatomy;endogenesis hormone;oxidases


摘要:【目的】研究不同植物生长调节剂对千年桐半木质化春梢扦插生根的影响,分析不同处理下根系各个阶段的生长性状及生理指标,探讨其生根机理,筛选促进插穗生根的最优处理组合,为千年桐良种扦插快繁提供理论基础。【方法】1)采用800 mg/L的IBA、NAA和ABT-1分别对插穗-浸泡处理10 min,对插穗生根形态、解剖结构进行拍照和显微观察,截取基部不定根及长约2 cm的韧皮组织,测其内源激素含量及超氧化物歧化酶(SOD),过氧化物酶(POD)活性;2)为进一步探究植物生长调节剂种类、质量浓度和处理时间对扦插生根的影响,采用3因素3水平L9(34)正交试验设计,分析不同处理对生根的影响。【结果】1)对插穗生根形态拍照观察,发现扦插21 d后基部形成白色愈伤组织,35 d后产生不定根,以皮部生根为主;对根系解剖结构进行显微观察,发现其生根大致经历4个阶段,分别为诱导分化根原始细胞、根原始细胞形成根原基、根原基发育形成不定根和不定根的伸长;ABT-1、IBA和NAA处理对插穗内源激素含量及SOD、POD活性的影响差异明显,内源激素含量及SOD、POD活性处于动态变化之中,其通过协同作用对生根产生不同影响;2)正交试验各处理的生根效果均极显著优于对照(P <0.01),ABT-1的生根效果显著优于IBA和NAA,处理10 min和30 min生根效果显著优于1 min(P <0.05),植物生长调节剂质量浓度对生根影响不显著,最优处理T1即用500 mg/L的ABT-1浸泡处理30 min生根率达到43.97%。【结论】ABT-1对促进千年桐插穗生根的效果显著优于单一植物激素,其生根方式为混合生根形,愈伤组织经诱导后能产生少量不定根,但以皮部生根为主,内源激素和抗氧化酶的消长共同影响愈伤组织分化和不定根的形成。
【Objective】To study the effects of different plant growth regulators on the rooting of the semilignified spring cuttings of Vcmicia montana, analyze the growth characters and physiological indexes of the roots at different stages under different treatments, explore the rooting mechanism, and selecte the optimal treatment for promoting the rooting of cuttings, in order to provide the theoretical basis for the rapid propagation of cutting of the good varieties of Vcmicia montana. We discussed the rooting mechanism and the action mechanism of various plant growth regulators, so as to provide a theoretical basis for cutting rapid propagation of Vernicia montana.【Method】1) The cuttings were soaked with 800 mg/L IBA, NAA and ABT-1 for 10 min respectively, whose rooting morphology and anatomical structure were photographed and observed with microscope. In addition, adventitious roots and phloem tissues about 2 cm long were cut off, whose endogenous hormone, SOD and POD activity were measured. 2) The orthogonal experiment design of L9(34) with three factors and three levels was used to analyze the influence of different treatments on rooting, in order to further explore the influence of plant growth regulators, concentration and treatment time on rooting.【Result】1) The rooting morphology of cuttings was observed by taking photos: white callus formed at the base of cuttage after 21 days and adventitious roots appeared after 35 days, mainly in the skin. The roots anatomical structure was observed by microscope, which were divided into four stages: induce differentiation of root primordial cells, root primordial cells to form root primordium, root primordium development to form adventitious roots and elongation of adventitious roots. The effects of ABT-1, IBA and NAA on endogenous hormone, SOD and POD of cuttings were significantly different. Endogenous hormone content, SOD and POD were in dynamic change, which had different effects on rooting through synergistic effect. 2) The rooting effect of each treatment of orthogonal test was significantly better than that of the control(P< 0.01). Among them, ABT-1 was significantly better than IBA and NAA, and 10 minutes and 30 minutes was significantly better than 1 minute(P < 0.05). The concentration of plant growth regulators had no significant effect on rooting. The optimal treatment T1 was soaking with 500 mg/L ABT-1 for 30 minutes, whose rooting rate reached 43.97%.【Conclusion】ABT-1 is better than single plant hormone in promoting the rooting of Vcmicia montana cuttings. Its rooting mode is mixed rooting, which induce callus to produce a small amount of adventitious roots, mainly rooted in the skin. The growth and decline of endogenous hormones and antioxidant enzymes jointly affect the callus differentiation and the formation of adventitious roots.



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