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库姆塔格沙漠地表物质组成、来源和风化过程     被引量:41

Composition,Origin and Weathering Process of Surface Sediment in Kumtagh Desert,Northwest China



英文题名:Composition,Origin and Weathering Process of Surface Sediment in Kumtagh Desert,Northwest China

作者:徐志伟[1] 鹿化煜[1] 赵存法[1] 王先彦[1] 苏志珠[2] 王振亭[3] 刘宏宜[4] 王立新[1] 卢琦[2]







外文期刊名:Acta Geographica Sinica





外文关键词:minerals; geochemical elements; sediments provenance; weathering process; Kumtagh Desert


The Kumtagh Desert is one of the eight biggest deserts in China. In this study, 33 representative surface sediment samples were collected from Kumtagh Desert and analyzed in the laboratory to obtain composition of heavy mineral and content of geochemical elements. Results show that there are various kinds of heavy minerals in these samples, with large content of epidote and hornblende. Si and A1 take up a large part of chemical composition. Compared with the average composition of geochemical elements of the upper continental crust (UCC), all elements except Si and Ca are depleted to a certain degree; Fe, Mg, Ca, P, Ti and Mn have high coefficients in their contents. Mineral composition of the samples of the Kumtagh Desert has a similarity with that of rocks of Altyn Tagh, surface sediments of the alluvial/fluvial fans of the Aityn Tagh and that of the Taklamakan Desert, indicating that one major source of the Kumtagh Desert sediments is located in Altyn Tagh. Alluvial deposits and lake sediments in Aqik valley and lower reaches of the Sule River are prone to be eroded and transported by the strong northeasterly wind to the Kumtagh Desert, as a result these places form another source of surface deposits of the Kumtagh Desert. A-CN-K ternary diagram shows that a weak chemical weathering by loss of Na and K occurred in these sediments, while other geochemical elements was in a less weathering or leaching process. A-CNK-FM ternary diagram suggests that Fe and Mg have distinct chemical differentiation. Physical weathering process makes it easy for mafic minerals to be eroded and enriched in fine particles, thus coarse desert sand particles can be relatively depleted in Fe and Mg. Mineral and geochemical composition of sediments in arid regions with less chemical weathering are mostly effected by physical processes.



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