昆虫翅型分化的表型可塑性机制 被引量:14
Mechanisms of phenotypic plasticity for wing morph differentiation in insects
英文题名:Mechanisms of phenotypic plasticity for wing morph differentiation in insects
外文期刊名:Acta Ecologica Sinica
外文关键词:wing polymorphism; polyphenism; phenotypic plasticity; adaptive evolution
Phenotypic plasticity is a phenomenon in which the same genotype produces entirely different phenotypes in response to changes in the environment, and grants an organism the ability to adapt to environmental variations. Wing polymorphism is commonly observed in insects, including Homoptera, Hemiptera, Coleoptera, Hymenoptera, Orthoptera, Diptera, Lepidoptera, Isoptera, Psocoptera, and Dermaptera, as a strategy to tolerate trade-offs between flight capability and fecundity. As a result, it may confer an important adaptive value to the evolution of populations because these winged individuals can migrate long distances and find suitable habitats for development and reproduction of their offspring more easily. At the present time, there is limited knowledge of the mechanisms of wing polymorphism in varying populations. Both genes and the environment are usually considered to affect the developmental outcomes of insect wing morphs. It is easy to understand the contributions of genes to morphology as a consequence of the research of evolution and developmental biology. However, very little is known about the influential mechanism of environmental factors on the development of phenotypes. In fact, it is not yet clear that how the evolutionary shifts of character variation is realized between environmental and genetic control. So far, studies on wing polymorphism are mostly reported on phytophagous insects, very few are known in parasitoids, natural enemies of insect pests. Here we summarized the mechanisms of phenotypic plasticity for wing morph differentiation in insects. Both genetic and environmental factors can act on the wing development of insects. The genotypes have significant effects on the determination of insect wing morphs. External environmental conditions such as temperature, photoperiod, food quality, population density, exogenous hormones, etc., also play important roles in regulating the insect wing development, which produce wing polyphenism. In addition, the parasitism or predation of natural enemies may induce alternative variations across transgenerational wing morphs in some insects. The ecological significance of insect wing polymorphism and its functions during their evolutionary process are discussed. Polyphenism is one of the main reasons why insects have become so successful on the earth, and grants them the capability to effectively utilize the same genome in order to best adapt to predictable changes in the environment, such as degradation of survival conditions after overcrowding, by developing into different phenotypes. Wing polyphenism in insects is a clear example of adaptive phenotypic plasticity, which provides a very good model to study alternative phenotypes from both genetic and environmental perspectives. This may also be advantageous to evaluate how environmental and genetic factors jointly control the same developmental events. Further study recommendations were also discussed in this review, as well as the potential utilization of wing morph differentiation mechanisms of parasitic wasps in biological control, e.g., through artificially culturing the winged individuals of parasitoids for field release to improve the dispersal ability of natural enemies. Some critical aspects still need to be investigated further on the mechanisms of phenotypic plasticity for wing morph differentiation in insects. Further development in functional genomics and epigenetics may provide novel opportunities and technological support for revealing the mechanisms of polyphenism in insects completely.