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六盘山半干旱区华北落叶松林土壤水分对降雨的响应     被引量:16

Response of soil moisture to rainfalls in a semi-arid larch forest in Liupan Mountains



英文题名:Response of soil moisture to rainfalls in a semi-arid larch forest in Liupan Mountains

作者:王正安[1,2] 邸利[1] 王彦辉[2] 李振华[3] 韩新生[4]








外文期刊名:Journal of Arid Land Resources and Environment


基金:国家自然科学基金项目(41471029、41671025、41230852、41461112、31660235); 宁夏回族自治区生态修复与多功能林业综合研究中心、国家林业局宁夏六盘山森林生态站资助



外文关键词:semi - arid region ; moisture response ; Larix principis - rupprechtii ; soil water content


To study the response of soil moisture to different levels of precipitation and explore the formation and consumption of soil water in forest ecosystem can provide the basis for forest vegetation construction and water and soil resources management in arid and semi - arid areas based on soil water carrying capacity. In the semi - arid area on the north side of Liupan Mountain in Ningxia, the 58 precipitation events and the soil moisture respond process in the root system distribution zone (0 - 60cm) of Larix principis - rupprechtii in growing season ( from May to October, 2010) were monitored and analyzed by meteorological station and soil water potential meter. The results showed that the change of soil water moisture was closely related to the precipitation, and distribution pattern of soil water content peak was consistent with the precipitation distribution; the relationship between monthly mean value of soil moisture ( % ) and monthly precipitation (mm) was characterized as significantly posi- tive correlation( R =0. 573 ,P 〈0.01 ). The response of soil moisture at different depths to precipitation was dif- ferent. Under the condition of light rain, the cumulative precipitation response threshold of 0 - 10cm soil layer was 7mm. Under the moderate rain condition, the soil response thresholds were 10 and 25mm corresponded with the cumulative rainfall 0 - 10 and 10 - 20cm, respectively. Under the heavy rain condition, the soil response thresholds were 8, 22 and 36ram corresponded with the cumulative rainfall 0 - 10,10 -20, and 20 -40cm, respectively. Under the storm conditions, the soil response thresholds were 12,29,37 and 63mm corresponded with the cumulative rainfall 0 - 10cm, 10 - 20,20 - 40, and 40 - 60cm, respectively. With the increasing of soil depth, The response luffing showed a decreasing trend and the retardation time acted on rainfalt was gradually increased. Under the condition of small rain and middle rain, the lateral flow was obvious, but the trend was obvious under heavy rain condition, and the maximum was up to 7.88mm. To sum up, With the increasing of depth, the variation of soil moisture content of each layer showed a decreasing trend, and the synchronicity between the volumetric soil water content and rainfall showed a declining trend, and the soil layer's response to rainfall existed a time lag.



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