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杉木人工林近自然经营的初步效果     被引量:70

Initial Effect of Close-to-Nature Management of Chinese Fir Plantation



英文题名:Initial Effect of Close-to-Nature Management of Chinese Fir Plantation

作者:李婷婷[1] 陆元昌[1] 庞丽峰[1] 张显强[2] 王霞[1,3] 刘宪钊[1,3] 姜俊[1]







外文期刊名:Scientia Silvae Sinicae





外文关键词:Chinese fir; close-to-nature management; growth dynamic; forest structure


摘要:在热带林业实验中心杉木人工林中设置3种近自然改造作业样地:T1(间伐强度47%,林下补植6种阔叶树种)、T2(间伐强度61%,林下补植6种阔叶树种)、T0(对照样地,无作业),T1和T2林下补植树种相同。根据2008,2010年和2012年3次调查,比较分析近自然作业后4年各处理的林分蓄积生长量、单木生长量、林下更新树种、林分水平结构、林分垂直结构、树种多样性、树种重要值的动态变化。结果表明:作业样地T1,T2的年蓄积生长量均大于对照样地,分别为7.42,6.61和3.36 m3·hm-2,且单木水平的生长量T1>T2>T0,枯损木株数及枯损蓄积量均是T0>T2>T1,因此,对于研究区域的杉木纯林近自然改造,间伐强度不应大于60%。林下补植阔叶树种对天然更新幼苗具有保护作用,可增加物种多样性,改善林下环境,促进林下幼苗幼树的生长从而进入主林层;同时完善林分垂直结构,弥补林层缺失,尤其是林分下层及更新层的缺失,使森林短期内发生正向演替,缩短演替时间,形成目标林相,即多林层异龄混交林。人工补植树种中大叶栎、红锥、格木、灰木莲是与杉木混交生长较理想的树种,杉木林下天然更新树种主要是毛桤木、鸭脚木、木荷与乌桕,具有较高的重要值。本研究证明近自然改造作业的合理性与可行性,为全国人工纯林的近自然改造和经营提供案例参考与数据支持。
Chinese fir(Cunninghamia lanceolata)is one major tree species in southern china plantation.Poor quality stems,decline in yield and soil fertility have been observed due to condensed planting,pure plantation and short rotation with the rapid increase of Chinese fir afforestation area.This is against the management targets of maximizing plantation‘ s economic benefit,as well as ecological benefit.Close-to-nature forest management(CNFM)is regarded as the best way to equilibrize the ecological,social and economic function of forest utilizing forest natural process.Ten stands grouped three blocks by different treatments were established in experimental center of tropical forestry in Pingxiang,Guangxi Province.T1 with 47% intensity of thinning and six species at understory,T2 with 61% intensity of thinning and six species understory,T0 with no operation as control.Differences of forest characters were found among these three treatments after four years post-operation concerning stand and individual tree volume increment,regeneration species,stand horizontal structure,stand vertical structure,species diversity,importance value of species.the results showed that:stand volume per annual increment(PAI) of stands treated(T1 and T2)were greater than that of control plots(T0),were 7.42,6.61,3.36 m3 ·hm-2,respectively.The diameter at breast height(1.3 m)and volume increments at individual level from large to small were T1 > T2 > T0,well the order was reversed concerning stand mortality.Consequently,it was better that thinning intensity involved in close-to-nature stand improvement is less than 60%.Broad-leaved tree species replanted understory had protective effect on natural regeneration seedlings,increased stand biodiversity and improved growth condition,therefore facilitated the growth of understory trees to enter the main story.In addition,understory replantation could speed succession process up to reach target forest form-multi-strata,uneven age and mingled forest.The best species mixed in Chinese fir plantation were Quercus griffithii,Castanopsis hystrix,Erythrophleum fordii,and Manglietia glauca.Alnus lanata,Schefflera octophylla,Schima superba and Sapium sebiferum with higher importance value comparing with other natural regeneration species.This study proved the rationality and feasibility of transformation from pure plantation to close-to-nature forest which as final management target,and provided case reference for plantation improvement all over the country according to close-to-nature forest management theory.



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