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光照对柑橘凤蝶滞育蛹发育历期的影响     被引量:4

Effects of Illumination on the Diapause Pupae Developmental Period of Papilio xuthus



英文题名:Effects of Illumination on the Diapause Pupae Developmental Period of Papilio xuthus

作者:易传辉[1,2] 陈晓鸣[1] 史军义[1] 周成理[1]







外文期刊名:Journal of Northwest Forestry University





外文关键词:Papilio xuthus; diapause pupae; developmental period; photoperiod; light pulse


摘要:为消除滞育对蝴蝶产业的不利影响,利用人工气候箱,对光周期与光脉冲对柑橘凤蝶(Papilio xuthus)滞育蛹发育历期的影响进行了研究。结果显示,20℃LD12:12时,滞育蛹第14 d开始羽化,持续86 d,平均历期39.6 d;LD15:9时第18天开始羽化,持续7 d,平均历期40.7 d。25℃时,LD12:12和LD15∶9:00时开始羽化时间相同,均为第8 d;LD12∶12时羽化持续30 d,平均历期21.9 d,LD15∶9时持续27 d,平均历期为19.8 d。在25℃时,断光后间隔2 h进行2 h光脉冲处理,羽化提前1 d,在第10 d开始羽化,平均历期缩短1.4 d,为12.8 d;断光4 h后进行2 h光脉冲处理,羽化延迟7 d,第10 d开始羽化,平均历期延长1.3 d,为13.1 d。结果表明,光周期和光脉冲对滞育蛹发育历期均有一定影响,但影响不显著。光照不是影响柑橘凤蝶滞育蛹发育的主要因素。
In order to break the negative impact of diapause on butterfly industry, investigation was carried out on the influences of photoperiod and light pulse on the diapause pupae developmental period of Papilio xuthus at 20℃ and 25℃, in anartificial climate-chest. The results were as follow: At 20℃ and LD 12: 12, eclosion began at fourteenth day, continuing for 86 days, and the mean developmental period was 39. 6 days. At 20℃ and LD 15. 9, eclosion began at eighteenth day, continuing for 7 days, and the mean developmental period was 40.7 days. At 25℃, eclosion began at eighth day regardless the photoperiod at LD 12:12 or LD 15: 9. At LD 12: 12, eclosion continued for 30 days, and the mean developmental period was 21.9 days. At LD 15: 9, eclosion continued for 27 days, and the mean developmental period was 19.8 days. At 25℃, giving 2 hours light after 2 hours of shutting the light, eclosion began at tenth day and was ahead of the schedule 1 hour, and the mean developmental period was 12.8 days and shorten 1.4 days. Giving 2 hours light after 4 hours of shutting the light, eclosion began at tenth day and delayed 7 days, and the mean developmental period was 13.1 days and extended 1.3 days. The results indicated that photoperiod and light pulse had some impact on the developmental period of diapause pupae of P. xuthus in some degrees, but the effects were not prominence.



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