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BTCA交联纳米纤维素气凝胶的结构及性能  ( EI收录)   被引量:1

Structure and Properties of BTCA Cross-Linked Cellulose Nanofibril Aerogels



英文题名:Structure and Properties of BTCA Cross-Linked Cellulose Nanofibril Aerogels

作者:郭丽敏[1] 陈志林[1] 吕少一[1] 王思群[2]


通信作者:Chen, Zhilin







外文期刊名:Scientia Silvae Sinicae





外文关键词:cellulose nanofibril ( CNF );aerogel;1;2;3;4-butanetetracarboxylic acid ( BTCA );chemical cross -linked


摘要:【目的】制备基于1,2,3,4-丁烷四羧酸(BTCA)的化学交联型纳米纤维素(CNF)气凝胶,研究交联程度对CNF气凝胶化学结构、微观形貌和物理力学性能的影响规律,为下一步功能型CNF气凝胶的开发奠定基础。【方法】配制不同质量比的CNF与BTCA混合水悬浮液,采用常规冷冻干燥和后交联方法制备出具有不同交联结构的CNF气凝胶,利用傅里叶变换红外光谱仪(FTIR)、X射线光电子能谱仪(XPS)、扫描电子显微镜(SEM)和全自动比表面积孔径分析仪对气凝胶的化学结构、微观形貌、比表面积和孔径分布进行表征分析,并测试其力学性能。【结果】1)与纯CNF气凝胶相比,BTCA交联型CNF气凝胶的FTIR和XPS谱图形态均发生明显变化,FTIR谱图中羟基(—OH)吸收峰减弱而羰基(C=O)吸收峰增强,XPS谱图中C1s的C1、C2、C3能谱均有较大幅度变化,并且拟合出C4(O—C=O)能谱。2)CNF气凝胶经BTCA交联后,其孔结构由原来的缝形孔变为相对规整的柱状孔。随着BTCA含量增加,其比表面积和总孔容逐渐减小,当m(CNF)/m(BTCA)为10/1时,CNF气凝胶的比表面积和总孔容分别从原来的62.8 m^2·g^(-1)、0.21 cm^3·g^(-1)减小到35.5 m^2·g^(-1)、0.098 m^2·g^(-1),降低了将近一半;当m(CNF)/m(BTCA)达到10/4时,CNF气凝胶的整体结构变疏松、易掉渣,出现明显酯化现象。3)纯CNF气凝胶的密度仅5.76 mg·cm^(-3),在100 g载荷下的压缩率高达62.4%,压缩回弹率仅30%。随着BTCA含量增加,其密度和压缩回弹率逐渐增大,压缩率则逐渐减小,当m(CNF)/m(BTCA)为10/1时,CNF气凝胶仍表现出较低的密度(7.67 mg·cm^(-3)),压缩率略微下降(56.8%),但压缩回弹率显著增加(80.8%);当m(CNF)/m(BTCA)达到10/4时,CNF气凝胶的密度增加到9.54 mg·cm^(-3),其压缩率(下降到34%)和回弹率(增加到95%)均发生了显著变化。【结论】BTCA使CNF气凝胶形成化学键结合的交联结构,对其孔隙结构和物理力学性能产生明显影响。BTCA与CNF的质量比越大,CNF气凝胶的密度越大,孔隙结构越致密,只有当BTCA与CNF的质量比在一定范围内时,才能在明显改善CNF气凝胶抗变形性和形变恢复能力的同时使其保持良好的柔韧性,提高其应用价值。
【Objective】1,2,3,4-butanetetracar boxylic acid( BTCA) cross-linked cellulose nanofibril( CNF) aerogels were used to study the effects of cross-linking degree on the chemical characterization,morphological,and mechanical property of the CNF aerogels,which laid the foundation for further development of functional CNF aerogels.【Method】 In this paper,we prepared the cross-linked CNF aerogels with different cross-linking degrees by adjusting the addition ratio of raw materials via freeze drying and post cross-linking method. The chemical characterization,morphological,surface area,pore size distribution,and mechanical property of the CNF aerogels were analyzed by means of Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy( FTIR),X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy( XPS),Scanning electron microscopy( SEM),BET measurement and mechanical tests.【Result】 Results showed that: 1) Compared with those of the pure CNF aerogel,the FTIR and XPS spectra of the BTCA cross-linked CNF aerogel were changed obviously,the absorption peak intensity of hydroxyl( —OH)was observed weaker and that of carbonyl absorption peak( C=O) was enhanced significantly. The C1,C2 and C3 spectra of C1 s in the XPS spectrum were all greatly changed,and the C4( O—C=O) energy spectrum was fitted. 2) The porestructure of the cross-linked CNF aerogels changed from the original irregularly shaped pores to relatively regular columnar pores. With the increase of BTCA content,the specific surface area and total pore volume gradually decreased. When the m( CNF)/m( BTCA) was 10/1,the specific surface area and total pore volume of CNF aerogels were reduced from62. 8 m^2·g^-1 and 0. 21 cm^3·g^-1 to 35. 5 m^2·g^-1 and 0. 098 cm^3·g^-1,respectively,reduced by nearly half. When the m( CNF)/m( BTCA) reached 10/4,the structure of the aerogel became loose and appeared the excessive esterification phenomenon. 3) The density of pure CNF aerogels was only 5. 76 mg·cm^-3,and its compression rate was up to 62. 4%under 100 g load while the compression rate was only 30%. With the increase of BTCA content,both the density and the compressive recovery rate of aerogel were gradually increased,while the compression rate decreased gradually. When the m( CNF)/m( BTCA) was 10/1,the aerogel was still with the low density( 7. 67 mg·cm^-3) and the high compression rate( 56. 8%) while its compression resilience rate increased significantly( 80. 8%); When the m( CNF)/m( BTCA) reached to 10/4,the density of the aerogel increased to 9. 54 mg·cm^-3,and its compression rate( reduced to 34%) and resilient rate( increased to 95%) were both changed significantly.【Conclusion】 The results confirmed that the addition of BTCA made the CNF aerogels internal forming covalent bonds cross-linked structure,and had a significant effect on the internal pore structure and physical mechanicals performance. The greater mass ratio of BTCA and CNF,the density of aerogel was greater and the pore structure was more compact,only when the mass ratio of BTCA and CNF was within a certain range,which could improve the deformation resistance and deformation recovery ability of CNF aerogel at the same time to keep its good flexibility,and improve its application value.



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