基于生态系统服务价值的生态足迹模型均衡因子及产量因子测算 被引量:28
Calculation and analysis of equivalence factor and yield factor of ecological footprint based on ecosystem services value
英文题名:Calculation and analysis of equivalence factor and yield factor of ecological footprint based on ecosystem services value
作者:郭慧[1] 董士伟[2] 吴迪[1] 裴顺祥[1] 辛学兵[1]
外文期刊名:Acta Ecologica Sinica
外文关键词:equilibrium factors;yield factors;ecological carrying capacity;ecological footprint;ecosystem services value
摘要:均衡因子和产量因子是生态足迹模型中的关键参数,现有的测算方法多根据物质生产和消费实现,忽略生态系统提供服务的能力。本研究提出基于生态系统服务价值的均衡因子和产量因子测算方法,并以1990、2005和2015年北京市门头沟区为例,研究生态涵养发展区生态承载力,并与通用因子计算结果对比。结果表明:(1)基于生态系统服务价值获取的均衡因子:水域>林地>耕地。水域均衡因子最高,平均值达到8.37。耕地均衡因子最低,平均值仅为0.24。林地均衡因子高于耕地,均衡因子平均值为0.71。说明该方法较好的表现了不同生态系统提供生态服务能力的差异;(2)基于该研究方法获取的不同生态系统的产量因子接近:耕地>林地>水域,均值分别为0.90,0.87和0.86,且呈逐年递减趋势;(3) 1990年到2015年,门头沟区生态承载力先降低后提高,生态足迹先提高,再降低,2005年出现生态赤字,其森林、耕地和区域生态承载力与生态足迹小于通用因子生态足迹模型结果,水域生态承载力和生态足迹高于通用因子生态足迹模型结果。与通用因子相比,基于生态系统服务价值的均衡因子和产量因子更好的体现了研究区内各类生态系统生态服务的承载力。
Equilibrium factors and yield factors are important parameters in ecological footprint model. The existing researches on the parameters of ecological footprint model were mostly aimed at large scale areas on the basis of material production and consumption. The material evaluation can′t meet the requirements of ecological carrying capacity evaluation with the construction of ecological civilization. This article proposed the concept and model of equilibrium factors and yield factors based on ecosystem services value. We took Mentougou district of Beijing as an example in 1990, 2005 and 2015 to study the ecological carrying capacity and ecological footprint of forest, cultivated land, and water area in ecological conservation development area. The results are compared with the general factor ecological footprint model. The results showed that(1) the equilibrium factors based on ecosystem service value was water>forest>cultivated land. The equilibrium factor of water was much higher than that of other ecosystems with average 8.37. The equilibrium factor of the cultivated land was the lowest, and its average was 0.24. The equilibrium factor of forest was higher than that of the cultivated land value, and its average was 0.71. The results showed the difference of ecosystem services′ capacity of different ecosystems.(2) The yield factors of different ecosystems were close to each other, but they decreased year by year. The average yield factor of forest, the cultivated land, and water area were 0.87, 0.90 and 0.86, respectively. It showed that the ecosystem services provided by Mentougou ecosystem failed to reach the national average level.(3) From 1990 to 2015, the ecological carrying capacity of Mentougou district decreased firstly and then increased. The ecological footprint increased at first and then decreased. The ecological deficit was found in the study area in 2005. The ecosystem service carrying capacity of the forest land firstly decreased and then increased, and it had decisive effect on the ecological carrying capacity due to the advantages of forest resources in Mentougou district. The ecological carrying capacity and ecological footprint obtained by ecosystem service value were smaller than the results of the generic factor ecological footprint model except the water area. The equilibrium factors and yield factors based on ecosystem service value can well reflect the changes of ecological carrying capacity and ecological footprint in the study area compared with the traditional ecological footprint model.