英文题名:Ornamental Judge of Willow Based on Leaf and Branch Characteristics
作者:刘丽[1] 李振坚[1] 翟飞飞[1] 巨关升[1] 刘俊祥[1] 钱永强[1] 韩蕾[1] 孙振元[1]
外文期刊名:Forest Research
外文关键词:willow clone; ornamental values; analytical hierarchy process(AHP); judge
摘要:[目的]建立基于叶、枝特性的柳树观赏性评判模型,快速评判柳树无性系的观赏性。[方法]以在北京地区适应性良好的20个柳树无性系1年生苗为试验材料,确立与叶、枝特性相关的13个评价指标,利用层次分析法建立快速评判柳属树种观赏性的结构模型。据柳树的观赏特性并结合专家意见,拟定评分准则。构造判断矩阵并进行一致性检验,确定各指标对总目标的权重。柳树无性系性状的分值乘以对应权重得出综合分值,根据综合分值对其进行聚类,根据聚类结果划分等级。[结果]评价模型的准则层中,叶片所占权重为0.75,枝干所占权重为0.25。因子层中各指标对总目标的权重排序为:成叶颜色F2(0.255 9)>叶片形状F3(0.152 7)>幼叶颜色F1(0.127 3)>侧枝颜色F11(0.080 2)>小枝颜色F10(0.074 0)>叶片密度F4(0.066 7)>叶长F6(0.052 6)>叶面积F5(0.047 1)>主干颜色F12(0.039 2)>发枝角度F9(0.031 5)>叶宽F7(0.029 9)>发枝数量F13(0.025 3)>托叶F8(0.017 9)。成熟叶色、叶片形状、幼叶颜色、侧枝颜色和小枝颜色是影响柳树观赏性的主要因子。根据综合得分和聚类结果,将20个柳树无性系划分为4个等级:第Ⅰ等级包括红叶腺柳、SH31、绵毛柳、旱柳、垂109、苏柳J799、金丝垂柳,观赏价值最高;第Ⅱ等级包括银柳、毛枝柳、竹柳、黑柳19,观赏价值较高;第Ⅲ等级包括圆头柳、DQ1、漳河柳、垂爆柳、G7、朝鲜柳、杞柳,观赏价值中等;第Ⅳ等级包括沙柳、蒿柳,观赏价值较低。[结论]利用层次分析法建立的柳树观赏性评价模型可以有效地从叶、枝特性方面快速评判出观赏价值高的柳树无性系,为柳树的进一步选育和园林应用提供参考。
[ Objective] The aim of this study is to establish ornamental judge model of willow based on leaf and branch characteristics and judge ornamental value of willow clones rapidly. [ Methods ] Taking one-year-old willow clone seedlings adapted to Beijing area as the object, their ornamental value were evaluated based on thirteen char- acteristics relevant to leaf and branch by establishing analytic hierarchy process (AHP) structural model of willow ornamental value. According to the ornamental characteristics of willow, the score criteria were established com- bined with expert advice. The judgment matrix and consistency test were conducted. The weight of index was deter- mined with respect to the overall target. The willow trait scores were multiplied by the corresponding weights to ob- tain its composite score. The willow clones were clustered based on the comprehensive score and graded according to clustering result. [ Results] In criteria layer of the model, the leaves were weighted as 0.75, branches were weigh- ted as 0.25. The order of factor layers according to their weight relative to the target layer is : mature leaf color F2(0.2559) 〉 leaf shape F3 (0. 1527 ) 〉 young leaf color F1 (0. 1273 ) 〉 lateral branch color F11 (0. 0802 ) 〉 twigs color Fl0 (0. 0740) 〉 leaf density F4 ( 0. 0667 ) 〉 leaf length F6 ( 0. 0526 ) 〉 leaf area F5 (0. 0471 ) 〉 trunk color F12 (0.0392) 〉 branching angle F9 (0.0315 ) 〉 leaf width F7 (0. 0299) 〉 branching amount F13 (0.0253) 〉 stipule Fs (0.0179). The mature leaf color, leaf shape, young leaf color, lateral branches color and twigs color are the major factors affecting willow ornamental value. According to AHP composite score and clustering results, the 20 willow clones were divided into four levels: Grade I includes S. Chaenomeloides var. iegata, SH31, S. erio- clada , S. matsudana , S. babylonica , S. x Jiangsuensis CL. '799' , S. x aureo-pendula , with the highest ornamen- tal value ; Grade 11 includes S. argyracea, S. dasyclados, bamboo willow, S. cheilophila, with high ornamental value; Grade m includes S. capitata, DQ1, S. matsudanaf, lobato-glandulosa, S. x chulbeozhv, G7, S. koreensis, S. integra, with medium ornamental value; Grade IV includes S. cheilophila, S. virninalis, with lower ornamental value. [ Conclusion] Analytic hierarchy process can judge willow ornamental value effectively from the aspects of leaf and branch characteristics. It can provide a reference for further breeding of willow and landscaping applica- tions.