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酸性土壤上不同钙肥及用量对柚木苗生长的影响     被引量:2

Growth Response of Teak(Tectona grandis) Seedling to Different Calcium Fertilizer on Acidic Soils



英文题名:Growth Response of Teak(Tectona grandis) Seedling to Different Calcium Fertilizer on Acidic Soils

作者:周再知[1] 梁坤南[1] 马华明[1] 黄桂华[1] 李运兴[2]








外文期刊名:Journal of West China Forestry Science





外文关键词:Tectona grandis; calcium oxide; calcium nitrate; calcium sulphate; lateritic red soil; purplish soil


摘要:为确定酸性土壤上柚木适宜的钙源肥料及用量,采用裂区设计,分别在广西酸性赤红壤和紫色土上,开展了3种钙肥和4个钙量的柚木苗期大田施肥试验。结果表明:施肥6个月时,两种土类上不同钙肥和钙量处理对柚木苗高和地径影响显著。酸性赤红壤上,氧化钙是促进柚木苗高和地径生长的有益钙肥,其次为硝酸钙,最差为硫酸钙,株施566g氧化钙的苗高和地径的生长量最大,分别比对照提高了27.7%和22.6%。酸性紫色土上,硝酸钙是促进柚木苗高和地径生长的有益钙肥,其次为氧化钙,最差为硫酸钙,株施2 240g硝酸钙的苗高和地径的生长量最大,分别比对照提高了25.7%和14.2%。酸性赤红壤较酸性紫色土更适合柚木的生长,此类土壤上培育柚木,应适量增加钙的施入,以氧化钙为钙源肥料,避免使用硫酸钙。
To select effective Ca-fertilizers and dosage for promote teak growth on two sorts of acid soils, two field experiments with split block design were respectively carried out to study the growth response of cloned teak ( Tectona grandis L. F. ) seedlings to 3 calcium fertilizer and 4 calcium dosage in two acidic soils (lateritic red soil and purplish soil) in Guangxi. The results showed that there were significant differences among different Ca-fertilizers and Ca-dosage on 2 different acidic soils after 6 months fertilizing in terms of the growth of teak seedling' s height and root collar diameter. On acidic lateritic red soil, calcium oxide was identified to be the best calcium fertilizer for the growth of teak seedling' s height and root collar diameter, calcium nitrate was in middle, and calcium sul- phate was the worst. The seedling' s height and root collar diameter reached the maximum after application of 566g per seedling, increased by 27.7% and 22.6% respectively compared with the control. On acidic purplish soil, calcium nitrate was identified to be the best calcium fertilizer for the growth of teak seedling' s height and root col- lar diameter, calcium oxide was in middle, and calcium sulphate was the worst. The seedling' s height and root collar diameter reached the maximum after application of 2 240g per seedling, increased by 25.7% and 14.2% compared with the control. Teak had good growth performance on acidic lateritic red soil than on purplish soil in Guangxi Province. To better manage teak in strongly acidic lateritic red soil, the optimal Ca-fertilizer is calcium oxide, and calcium sulphate is not suggested to use.



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