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北京九龙山不同林分枯落物及土壤水文效应     被引量:30

Hydrological Effects of Litters and Soil under Different Forests in Jiulongshan of Beijing



英文题名:Hydrological Effects of Litters and Soil under Different Forests in Jiulongshan of Beijing

作者:吴迪[1] 辛学兵[1] 赵明扬[1] 裴顺祥[1] 孔颖[2]








外文期刊名:Forest Research





外文关键词:litters ; forest soil; hydrological effect; Jiulongshan


摘要:对北京九龙山油松、侧柏、黄栌3种纯林的枯落物层水文效应和土壤水分效应进行研究,结果表明:黄栌林分的枯落物总蓄积量最大,为13.15 t·hm-2,其次为油松和侧柏,分别为12.50、9.53 t·hm-2;黄栌的最大持水量和有效拦蓄量最大,分别为28.73、23.17 t·hm-2;侧柏的最小,分别为12.67、10.17 t·hm-2。未分解层和半分解层枯落物持水量分别在浸泡10 h后和8 h后达到饱和,二者的吸水速率均在浸泡2 h内最大,4 h后趋于平稳。不同层次枯落物持水量、吸水速率与浸泡时间均存在较好的函数关系;3个林地的土壤密度均值最大的为侧柏(1.30 g·cm-3),其次为油松和黄栌,分别为1.23、1.08 g·cm-3;黄栌的总孔隙度最大,为49.63%,其次为油松和侧柏,分别为49.49%、47.44%;侧柏林地的土壤有效持水量最大,为96.53 t·hm-2,其次为黄栌和油松,分别为88.23、69.00 t·hm-2。对入渗速率与入渗时间进行拟合分析,二者呈幂函数关系,其相关系数R2值均在0.90以上。
The hydrological effects of litter layer and soil water of three kinds of pure forest stands in Jiulongshan were studied. The results showed that the total litter storage capacity of Cotinus coggygria pure forest was the largest ( 13.15 t ·hm^-2), followed by Pinus tabuliformis pure forest ( 12.50 t ·hm^-2), while that of Platycladus orientalis pure forest (9.53 t ·hm^-2 was the minimum. The maximum water-holding capacity and the modified interception amount of C. coggygria pure forest were 28.73 t ·hm^-2 and 23.17 t ·hm^-2respectively, while that of P. ori- entalis pure forest were only 12.67 t ·hm^-2 and 10.17 t·hm^-2 respectively. The water-holding capacity of unclecomposed litter got saturated in 10 hours, while the duration of semi-decomposed litter was 8 hours. The water ab- sorption rate of the litter in nndecomposed and semi-decomposed layers kept the highest for the initial 2 hours, and got stabilized after 4 hours. The water-holding capacity and immersion time of different litter layers followed a functional relation, so as the litter layers water absorption rate and the immersion time. The average soil bulk densities of P. orientalis pure forest, P. tabuliformis pure forest and C. coggygria pure forest were 1.30 g · cm^-3, 1.23 g · cm^-3 , and 1.08 g · cm^-3 respectively. The total soil porosities of C. coggygria pure forest, P. tabuliformis pure forest and C. coggygria pure forest were 49.63 % , holding capacities of, P. orientalis pure forest, P. 49.49%, and 47.44% respectively. The soil effective watertabuliformis pure forest and C. coggygria pure forest were 96.53t ·hm^-2, 88.23 t·hm^-2 , and 69.00 t ·hm^-2. The relationship between soil infiltration rate and infiltration time was studied by fitting analysis, and the results showed that the relationship eould be described by using the power function and all values of Rz were greater than 0.90.



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