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Effect of color reproduction of digital printing on decorative base paper and fidelity of the hot-pressing finish



英文题名:Effect of color reproduction of digital printing on decorative base paper and fidelity of the hot-pressing finish

作者:王瑾[1,2] 龙玲[1] 戴华芬[2] 肖兵[2] 刘如[1] 苟小兵[2]








外文期刊名:Journal of Forestry Engineering





外文关键词:digital printing;decorative base paper;color reproduction;fidelity;hot-pressing finish;surface decoration of wood-based panels


摘要:为了探索装饰原纸对数码喷印色彩还原以及热压饰面的保真性,研发了一种装饰原纸,与市场上常规装饰原纸(进口、国产)在基本性能(定量、平整度、抗张强度、灰分含量、渗透性等)方面做了比较,采用扫描电子显微镜探索了不同装饰原纸的表面形貌特征,并进行了表面数码喷印处理,结合光学显微镜与色度学参数研究了喷印不同原色(青、品红、黄、黑)、上墨量(100%,65%,30%)、完整图案的色彩还原度及热压饰面的保真性。结果表明,自制装饰原纸相比市场上的常规装饰原纸灰分含量更高,渗透性更好,有利于数码喷印,其他基本性能与市场上常规装饰原纸接近,基本符合GB/T 28995—2012《人造板饰面专用纸》的要求。自制装饰原纸表面覆盖了一层颗粒状物质,纤维基本无裸露,进口原纸结构比较紧密,而国产市场的装饰原纸表面结构比较疏松。进口装饰原纸对数码喷印的色彩还原性较好、清晰度和饱和度较高,但在压板过程中易开裂,不能用于人造板表面饰面。自制装饰原纸相比国产装饰原纸色彩表现力较好,且热压保真性较高。因此,自制装饰原纸具有较好的数码喷印装饰产品应用前景。
In order to investigate the effect of the color reproduction of digital printing on decorative based paper and fidelity of the hot-pressing finish, the lab-made decorative base paper was prepared. A comparison of the basic properties(quantification, flatness, tensile strength, ash content, permeability, etc.) was carried out with the common decorative base paper(imported and domestic) on the market. The surface morphological characters of different kinds of decorative base paper were examined through the electronic scanning microscope. Besides, the digital printing treatment was applied on the decorative base papers by printing different primary colors(cyan, magenta, yellow, and black), ink volumes(100%, 65% and 30%), and complete patterns of color reproduction. The reproduction of color and fidelity of hot-pressing finishes were investigated by optical microscope and colorimetric parameters. The results showed that the lab-made decorative base paper had better ash content than other common decorative base papers on the market, and at the same time had better permeability, which is conducive to digital printing. Besides, other basic properties were comparable with the common decorative base papers on the market and met the requirements of the standard of GB/T 28995-2012 “Special paper for wood-based panels decoration”. The surface of the lab-made decorative base paper was covered with a layer of granular materials and the fibers were well overlapped, while the structure of the imported base paper was relatively tight and that of the domestic decorative base paper was relatively loose. The imported decorative base paper had good color reproducibility, high clarity, and saturation. However, it was prone to cracking during the pressing process and cannot be further applied on wood-based panels. The color reproduction and fidelity of the lab-made decorative base papers were better than that of the domestic decorative base paper. Therefore, the lab-made decorative base paper had good application prospect of the digital printing decorative products.



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