稳态营养与Pt菌根化在湿地松育苗中的应用 被引量:13
Application of Steady-state Nutrition and Pisolithus tinctorius Mycorrhiza to Pinus elliottii Nursery Land
英文题名:Application of Steady-state Nutrition and Pisolithus tinctorius Mycorrhiza to Pinus elliottii Nursery Land
作者:贾慧君[1] 郑槐明[2] 李江南[3] 万细瑞[3]
外文期刊名:Scientia Silvae Sinicae
基金:国家自然科学基金资助项目 (3 90 70 693 )的内容之一
外文关键词:Pinus elliottii, Steady-state mineral nutrition, Pt ectomycorrhiza, Seedling culture
摘要:在苗圃地培育湿地松苗木 ,分别进行 4种处理 :①稳态营养 +Pt菌剂 ;②不施肥 +Pt菌剂 ;③稳态营养 +松林土 ;④常规施肥 +松林土。生长季末测定苗木的高度和地径。测定各小区标准木的叶、茎、根鲜重及干重 ,侧根条数和总长。按“十分法”目测吸收根外生菌根感染率。观测结果表明 ,湿地松苗木形成外生菌根的能力较强 ,无论是人工接种还是天然感染 ,菌根感染率均超过 85 % ,其中稳态营养下 ,人工接种Pt菌剂感染率最高 ,可达94 8%。稳态营养人工接种Pt菌剂处理的苗木生长最佳 ;稳态营养下松林土处理的苗木其次 ;人工接种Pt菌剂但不施肥处理的苗木再次 ;常规施肥 +松林土处理最差。如稳态营养人工接种Pt菌剂处理与人工接种Pt菌剂但不施肥处理相比较 ,苗木的株高、地径分别提高 2 0 5 %、14 0 % ;侧根条数及总长分别提高 2 5 6 %、4 0 9% ;叶、茎、根、整株鲜重分别提高 34 6 %、4 3 7%、38 8%、37 0 % ;各部分干重分别提高 2 5 7%、38 6 %、4 2 4 %、32 7%。稳态营养人工接种Pt菌剂处理与常规施肥松林土处理相比较 ,各项指标的差异更加明显。充分体现了稳态营养与Pt菌根化的综合效应 ,同时说明稳态营养条件下 ,靠松林土感染真菌形成菌根也能获得较好的生长结果。但是 ,仅靠人工接种优良菌剂 。
The Pinus elliottii seedlings were cultured in nursery land in Fenyi County,Jiangxi Province(27°30′N,114°30′E).The seedlings were treated with 4 different methods, named treatment 1(steady-state nutrition+Pt), treatment 2 (nonfertilization + Pt), treatment 3(steady-state nutrition+soil from pine forest),treatment 4 (normal fertilization+soil from pine forest) respectively. For the seedlings of steady-state nutrition, the relative nutrient addition rate was 7.5%, the amount of nutrient added during the cultural period was calculated according to the theory of steady-state mineral nutrition.The amount of N element for per seedling in steady-state nutrition treatment was 39.22 mg ,and was 55.20 mg for per seedling in normal fertilization without PK and any micronutrients treatment.At the end of growing season, the growth and the percentage of ectomycorrhizal infection of seedlings in different treatments were determined. The result showed that the ability to form ectomycorrhiza of Pinus elliottii seedlings was stronger, inoculated with both Pt and natural ectomycorrhiza. However, the highest percentage of ectomycorrhizal infection was in treatment 1(steady-state nutrition + Pt), which amounted to 94.8%. The growth of seedlings indicated that treatment 1 > treatment 3 > treatment 2 > treatment 4. For example,compared with the seedlings in treatment 2(nonfertilization+Pt),the height and the basal diameter of seedlings in treatment 1 were 20.5% and 14.0% higher,the number and the total length of the lateral roots 25.6%,40.9% higher,the fresh weights of leaf, stem, root,and the whole plant 34.6%, 43.7%, 38.8% ,and 37.0% higher,and the dry weights of those parts above mentioned 25.7%, 38.6%, 42.4% ,and 32.7% higher, respectively. There was a larger difference between treatment 1 and treatment 4.The results demonstrated the comprehensive effect of steady-state mineral nutrition and Pt. And the effect of Pt on growth of seedlings would be realized better by scientific fertilization. The growth of seedlings in treatment 4 was worst. Finally, the results of this study were discussed from the aspects of the interaction mechanism between the steady-state mineral nutrition and Pt mycorrhization,as well its practical application.