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白蜡虫蜡腺结构特征及其泌蜡的生态适应性     被引量:1

Structural characteristics of wax glands on Ericerus pela (Hemiptera: Coccidae) and ecological adaptability of its wax secretion



英文题名:Structural characteristics of wax glands on Ericerus pela (Hemiptera: Coccidae) and ecological adaptability of its wax secretion

作者:亓倩[1] 李斌[1] 吕品[1] 陈航[1] 陈晓鸣[1]








外文期刊名:Acta Entomologica Sinica





外文关键词:Ericerus pela;wax glands;wax secretion;sexual dimorphism;ecological significance


摘要:【目的】观察性二型性的白蜡虫Ericerus pela的蜡腺结构特征,探究其泌蜡对雌雄虫生态适应性的意义。【方法】在野外调查各发育阶段白蜡虫在寄主植物上的分布及泌蜡特征;在实验室用电子显微镜观察白蜡虫蜡腺结构及其分泌蜡丝的形态;通过石蜡切片分析雌雄虫表皮厚度;通过转录组数据结合白蜡虫泌蜡及表皮增厚的规律分析雌雄虫泌蜡量和几丁质合成的差异。【结果】在白蜡虫体表共发现6种蜡腺,其中四格腺为1龄雄若虫特有,十格腺为雌成虫特有,2龄雄若虫全身布满管腺这一白蜡虫的主要雄性产蜡器官,表皮五格腺、刺腺和肛门腺是各龄期所共有。雄虫有更多的蜡腺种类和数目,雌若虫的表皮厚度比雄若虫的厚将近35%。蜡酯合成关键酶脂酰辅酶A还原酶(fatty acyl-CoA reductase)基因far在雄成虫中表达量更高,几丁质合成关键酶几丁质合成酶(chitin synthase)基因cs在雌成虫中表达量更高。【结论】白蜡虫雌雄虫泌蜡差异显著,两性蜡腺的种类和数量与其不同的生态适应性对策相关。雄虫具有避光的生态习性,主要通过分泌一层蜡丝覆盖身体,保护雄虫在蜡被下完成变态过程。雌虫喜光,泌蜡少,通过增加表皮厚度的方式来适应环境,雌虫泌蜡是为了保证呼吸通畅,防止排泄的蜜露反流和微生物入侵,保护卵不被捕食,避免卵块粘连和减缓外力对卵的冲击。
【Aim】To observe the structural characteristics of wax glands on sexual dimorphic Ericerus pela,and explore the ecological adaptability significance of wax secretion of females and males.【Methods】The distribution of different developmental stages of E.pela on host plants and their wax secretion characteristics were investigated in the field,the structure of their wax glands and wax filament morphology were observed under an electron microscope in the laboratory,and the cuticular thickness of females and males was compared by using paraffin section,the differences in wax secretion and chitin synthesis between females and males were analyzed based on transcriptome data and analysis of the rules of wax secretion and cuticle thickening.【Results】Six types of wax glands were found on the body surface of E.pela.Among them,the quadrilocular pores were unique to the 1st instar male nymphs,the decalocular glands were unique to the female adults,and the 2nd instar male nymphs were covered with tubular ducts,which are the main wax-producing organs of males.Quinquelocular pores,stigmatic glands and anal glands were found on E.pela at all developmental stages.Males have more types and quantities of wax glands while the cuticle of female nymphs was nearly 35%thicker than that of male nymphs.The fatty acyl-CoA reductase gene far,a key gene involved in wax synthesis showed higher expression levels in male adults than in female adults,while the chitin synthase gene cs,a key gene involved in chitin synthesis exhibited higher expression levels in female adults than in male adults.【Conclusion】There is a significant difference in wax secretion between E.pela females and males.The type and quantity of wax glands are related to the different ecological adaptation strategies between two sexes.Sciophilous male nymphs secrete a layer of wax filaments to protect the process of complete metamorphosis.Heliophilous female nymphs hardly secrete any wax,they adapt to the environment by a thickened cuticle,the wax secreted by females may assist breathing,prevent honeydew from flowing back,and protect their body from pathogen invading,protect eggs from predators,prevent egg masses from sticking to each other,and reduce the impacts of external forces on eggs.



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