芦苇对阿特拉津胁迫的生理响应及其与耐受性的关系 被引量:9
Physiological responses of Phragmites australis to atrazine exposure and their relevance for tolerance
英文题名:Physiological responses of Phragmites australis to atrazine exposure and their relevance for tolerance
作者:王庆海[1] 李翠[1] 陈超[1] 陈洁[1] 马雪菊[1] 却晓娥[2]
外文期刊名:Journal of Agro-Environment Science
外文关键词:atrazine; Phragmites australis; physiological index; water pollution; tolerance
摘要:为揭示阿特拉津胁迫下芦苇的生理响应规律及其与芦苇耐受性的关系,通过水培实验研究了阿特拉津对芦苇叶绿素含量、抗氧化酶(SOD和POD)活性和叶绿素荧光参数的影响,并以植物相对生长率为耐受性指标,利用逐步回归法分析了各生理指标与耐受性的关系。结果表明:≤8 mg·L^(-1)阿特拉津胁迫1周,芦苇虽可正常存活,但相对生长率受到显著抑制;胁迫2周时,生长停止;叶绿素a(Chla)和叶绿素b(Chlb)随处理浓度的增加而降低。POD活性胁迫1周时显著增强,胁迫2周时最低和最高浓度处理(0.5、8 mg·L^(-1))较1周时有所下降,与对照无显著差异;而SOD活性随处理浓度增加无显著变化。随处理浓度的增加,F_v/F_m和F_v/F_0显著降低,qN显著增加,而胁迫2周较1周时qN显著下降。研究表明,芦苇对阿特拉津比较敏感,但在短期内(1周)表现一定的耐受性,主要是通过增强非光化学淬灭能力来保护叶绿体,从而保持一定浓度的叶绿素来维持光合作用的物质基础,抵抗来自阿特拉津的胁迫。
To determine the physiological responses of Phragmites australis to atrazine stress and the relationships between these responses and the tolerance of the plant, P.australis was exposed to atrazine(0.5, 1, 2, 4, 8 mg·L^-1)for 1 or 2 weeks in a hydroponic system. The effects were evaluated by measuring chlorophyll content, peroxidase(POD) and superoxide dismutase(SOD) activities, and chlorophyll fluores-cence kinetics parameters. Moreover, plant relative growth rates based on plant dry biomass were determined for quantitative evaluation of plant tolerance. The relationships of the above-mentioned indexes with plant tolerance were explored by stepwise regression analysis. P.australis survived in culture solution with atrazine concentrations of 8 mg·L^-1or less after 1-week exposure; however, the relative growth rates decreased significantly, and the plant stopped growing when the exposure time reached 2 weeks. Plant chlorophyll a and chlorophyll b in leaves were reduced as the atrazine concentration increased. POD increased significantly with increasing atrazine concentrations after a 1-week exposure. However, this marked increase disappeared after a 2-week exposure to minimum and maximum atrazine concentrations(0.5and 8 mg·L^-1). There were no significant differences in SOD expression compared with the control during the entire cultivation period. As the atrazine concentration increased, Fv/Fm and Fv/F0 ratios were significantly reduced, and q N was markedly increased. The value of q N decreased notably after a 2-week exposure compared with that after a 1-week exposure. Stepwise regression analysis showed that F0 was more closely correlated with the tolerance of P.australis to atrazine than to other physiological parameters. These results indicated that P. australis was relatively sensitive to atrazine but developed tolerance up to 1 week after exposure to atrazine, mainly protecting chloroplasts fromdamage by enhancing the development of nonphotochemical quenching for the dissipation of excess energy. Thus, acertain concentration of chlorophyll was maintained for necessary photosynthesis against atrazine stress.