米老排种源家系生长性状变异分析及早期选择 被引量:13
Growth Traits Variation and Early Selection of Mytilaria laosensis Provenances and Families
英文题名:Growth Traits Variation and Early Selection of Mytilaria laosensis Provenances and Families
作者:覃敏[1,2] 尹光天[1] 杨锦昌[1] 李荣生[1] 邹文涛[1]
外文期刊名:Bulletin of Botanical Research
外文关键词:Mytilaria laosensis ; genetic variation ; growth traits ; breeding value ; genetic gain
摘要:为分析米老排生长性状在种源和家系间的变异规律,筛选出速生的米老排优良种源和家系。以来自8个米老排地理种源的116个家系为研究对象,对米老排生长性状进行种源间和家系间遗传变异分析和育种值综合评分。结果表明:不同米老排种源间和家系间生长性状的差异均达到极显著水平。生长量最高的GXPX种源的平均树高、胸径和单株材积分别为9.50 m、13.40 cm、0.079 9 m^3,是最差种源GXFC的1.28、1.42和2.30倍;生长最快家系是PX01,其平均树高、胸径和单株材积分别为9.86 m、15.31 cm和0.101 6 m^3,其株材积是最差家系FC01的4.01倍,是家系群体均值的1.94倍。通过单性状选择对种源进行选择,初步选出2个优良种源,其树高、胸径和单株材积的预期遗传增益分别达到8.87%、11.79%和34.70%;运用育种值综合评分法对家系进行选择,初步选出12个优良家系,其树高、胸径树高和材积的预期遗传增益分别达到11.57%、17.35%和52.06%。GXPX和GXLZ 2个种源,PX01、LZ03、PX02、DB08、PX10、PX04、PX09、DB07、DB16、LZ05、JX16和PX05等12个家系是选出的综合生长表现最好的优良种源和家系,可作为米老排良种材料进行申报并推广。
We selected the fast growing provenance-families regularity of growth traits among provenances and among families provenances of M. laosensis, and used genetic variance analysis of Mytilari laosensis to analyze the variation of M. laosensis. We chose 116 families within 8 and breeding value to analyze the growth traits among provenances and among families of M. laosensis. There were highly significant differences among growth characters at family and provenance level. At the age of 6, the average of height ( H), diameter at breast height (D) and volume(V) of provenance GXPX was 9.50 m, 13.40 cm and 0.079 9 m3, and that was 1.28, 1.42 and 2.30 times of worst provenance GXFC, respectively. The average of H, D and V of family FC01 was 9.86 m, 15.31 cm, 0. 1 016 m3, respectively. Mean individual volume of family PX01 was 4.01 times of worst family FC01 and 1.94 times of the average of total families by comparison. Using individual trait selection, two superior provenances were selected from eight provenances population tested, and genetic gain of H, D and V of those superior provenances reached as high as 8.87%, 11.79% and 34.70%, respectively. By using grade of breeding value selection, 12 superior families were selected from 123 families population tested, and genetic gain of H, D and V of those superior families reached as high as 11.57%, 17.35% and 52.06%, respectively. At the age of 6, the comprehensive growth of the best excellent provenances were GXPX and GXLZ, and the comprehensive growth of the best excellent families were PX01, LZ03, PX02, DB08, PX10, PX04, PX09, DB07, DB16, LZ05, JX16 and PX05. These superior provenances and families can be used as seed material to declare and promote.