释放花绒寄甲成虫和卵防治栗山天牛 被引量:33
Biocontrol of Oak Longhorn Beetle,Massicus raddei by Releasing Parasitoid Dastarcus helophoroides ( Coleoptera: Bothrideridae) Adults and Eggs
英文题名:Biocontrol of Oak Longhorn Beetle,Massicus raddei by Releasing Parasitoid Dastarcus helophoroides ( Coleoptera: Bothrideridae) Adults and Eggs
作者:唐艳龙[1] 杨忠岐[1] 王小艺[1] 唐桦[1] 姜静[1] 魏可[1] 吕军[2]
外文期刊名:Scientia Silvae Sinicae
外文关键词:Massicus raddei; Dastarcus helophoroides ; biocontrol
摘要:花绒寄甲(Dastarcus helophoroides)(鞘翅目Coleoptera寄甲科Bothrideridae)是迄今发现的寄生天牛类害虫最主要的寄生性天敌昆虫。经研究,虽然寄生不同天牛种类的花绒寄甲根据形态特征目前认为是同一种,但在生物学特性上表现为很强的寄主专化性,即形成了不同天牛种的花绒寄甲生物型(biotypes)(Weietal.,2009)。因此,在利用其开展天牛生物防治时,必须在自然界找到自然寄生该种天牛的花绒寄甲生物型,才能取得良好的防治效果。
Dastarcus helophoroides is an important parasitoid of the oak longhorn beetle Massicus raddei and mainly parasitizes the middle and old age larvae and pupa of the cerambycid. In order to control M. raddei by the parasitoid, we investigated the parasitization rate to the pest by releasing D. helophoroides adults and eggs. The results showed that the parasitoid preferred to parasitize mid - old instars larvae and pupa of the pest. The parasitization rate was able to reach 88. 15% in a month with two D. helophoroides adults released per one pest in the lab. , and reach 90% with 100 D. helophoroides eggs released per one pest in the lab. The results in the field were similar, and the parasitization rate could reach 88.80% after releasing adults and 93.10% after releasing eggs. The average number of second generation adults of D. helophoroides, which consumed up longhorn beetle after parasitizing, was 30 per host in the lab. and 13.34 times of the released number. The second generation adult number in the field was 28 per host, and 17.62 times of the released number. Parasitization, regardless by one or several parasitoids, would cause the pest, longhorn beetle, death in few days. After releasing D. helophoroides in the field, the parasitization rate of parasitoid was most when the pests were at developmental stages of mid - old instars larvae and pupa, however when the pests were 1 - 3 instars, the parasitization rate was zero. The number of D. helophoroides was sustainable even though the pests were at 1 - 3 instars because the parasitoid has long lifespan and could find alternative hosts. The parasitization rate ascended again when the mid - old instars larvae and pupa were available, the parasitoid' s number would increase too. The results showed that D. helophoroides could continually parasitize the M. raddei after its release.