卡亚和杂交构树的饲用营养价值及其比较分析 被引量:2
Comparative Analysis on Feed Nutritive Value of Cnidoscolus aconiti-folius and Hybrid Broussonetia papyrifera
英文题名:Comparative Analysis on Feed Nutritive Value of Cnidoscolus aconiti-folius and Hybrid Broussonetia papyrifera
作者:刘果[1] 尚秀华[1] 张沛健[1] 高丽琼[1] 彭彦[1]
外文期刊名:Chinese Journal of Tropical Crops
外文关键词:Cnidoscolus aconitifolius;hybrid Broussonetia papyrifera;feed nutritive value;calcium-phosphorus ratio;limiting amino acid
摘要:我国饲料资源供求关系出现精饲料缺、蛋白质饲料缺、绿色饲料缺和总量不足的“三缺一不足”的现象,尤其是蛋白饲料严重匮缺。卡亚和杂交构树作为2种新型优质的木本蛋白饲料资源,具有极高的饲用生产潜力。本研究以卡亚和杂交构树叶片为试验材料,对二者的常规营养成分、矿物质元素和氨基酸组分进行测定和分析,结合饲料相对值(relative feed value,RFV)对2种木本饲料植物进行饲用价值的评估分析,并对各营养成分间的相关性进行比较分析。卡亚和杂交构树的粗蛋白质含量均超过20%,且粗纤维含量均低于15%;Ca、P、K、Mg、Fe、Zn等矿物质元素含量均较高,其中卡亚的钙磷比为1.82∶1,满足一般饲料中的钙磷比需求,而杂交构树的钙磷比为8∶1,远高于一般饲料中钙磷比的需求;卡亚和杂交构树中EAA/NEAA均在60%以上,且EAA/TAA均大于40%,二者样品中的限制性氨基酸和含硫氨基酸种类全面且含量丰富。结合饲料相对值(RFV)对卡亚和杂交构树进行评定的结果显示,卡亚属于特级饲料原料,杂交构树属于优级木本饲料原料,二者作为粗饲料整体效果均较好,饲用价值高。因此,卡亚和杂交构树二者均属于富含蛋白质、矿物质和氨基酸的优质木本蛋白饲料原料,在禽畜日粮中具有很高的饲用价值和发展潜力。与杂交构树相比,卡亚的粗蛋白含量更高、粗纤维含量更低、中性洗涤纤维含量更低,且钙磷比例更合理,具有更优的饲用价值。
The supply and demand of feed resources in China appear the phenomenon of lack of concentrate feed,protein feed,green feed and insufficient total resources,especially the serious shortage of protein feed.Cnidoscolus aconitifolius and hy-brid Broussonetia papyrifera,as two new and high quality woody protein feed resources,have high potential for feed produc-tion.In this study,C.aconitifolius and hybrid B.papyrifera were taken as the experimental objects to determine the conven-tional nutrutional components,mineral elements and amino acid components.The comparison results were performed by t test and the feeding values of the two woody fodder plants were evaluated combined with relative feed value(RFV).The results of analysis showed that the crude protein(CP)content of C.aconitifolius and hybrid B.papyrifera was more than 20%,the crude fiber(CF)content was less than 15%,the mineral element content such as Ca,P,K,Mg,Fe and Zn was high.Among them,the Ca/P ratio of C.aconitifolius was 1.82∶1,which met the requirement of Ca/P ratio in general feed,while the Ca/P ratio of hybrid B.papyrifera was 8∶1,which was far greater than that in general feed.The essential amino acids(EAA)/non-essential amino acids(NEAA)and essential amino acids(EAA)/total amino acids(TAA)in both C.aconitifolius and hybrid B.papyrifera was above 60%and 40%,respectively.The variety of limiting amino acid(LAA)and sulfur-containing amino acids was comprehensive and rich in content.The evaluation results of C.aconitifolius and hybrid B.papyrifera combined with the relative feed value(RFV)showed that C.aconitifolius was super grade forage material and hybrid B.papyrif-era was senior grade forage material,both had good overall effect and high feeding value.The results of comparative analysis on nutritional value of C.aconitifolius and hybrid B.papyrifera showed that both belonged to high-quality woody feed raw materials rich in protein,minerals and amino acids,had high feeding value and development potential in livestock diets.In particular,C.aconitifolius had higher CP content,lower CF content,lower NDF content and more reasonable proportion of calcium-phosphorus ratio,which had better feeding value compared with hybrid B.papyrifera.