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‘富有’甜柿中间砧的早期筛选和嫁接亲和性  ( EI收录)   被引量:2

Early Selection of Interstocks for Improving Grafting Compatibility in Diospyros kaki ‘Fuyu'



英文题名:Early Selection of Interstocks for Improving Grafting Compatibility in Diospyros kaki ‘Fuyu'

作者:汤丹[1] 江锡兵[1] 龚榜初[1] 刘同祥[1] 徐阳[1] 吴开云[1]


通信作者:Gong, Bangchu







外文期刊名:Scientia Silvae Sinicae





外文关键词:Diospyros kaki ' Fuyu ' ; graft ; interstock ; affinity ; compatibility structure


摘要:【目的】通过研究‘富有’甜柿中间砧嫁接苗苗期生长、解剖等表现,筛选出早期亲和的嫁接组合,并探讨中间砧嫁接的亲和性机制。【方法】以浙江柿作基砧,‘兰溪大红柿’、‘南通小方柿’、‘次郎’和‘西村早生’作中间砧(设置10 cm和25 cm 2种长度),嫁接‘富有’接穗,对其苗期生长等表型性状和生理生化指标进行对比分析和综合评价;采用石蜡切片法和光学显微镜技术,观测各嫁接组合基砧-中间砧、中间砧-接穗嫁接口愈合情况。【结果】‘富有’甜柿嫁接苗因中间砧种类和长度不同,在苗期生长指标和解剖结构特征上存在明显差异。浙江柿直接嫁接‘富有’甜柿(对照)成活率、株高等表型性状和生理生化指标较差,且嫁接口存在明显的膨大(膨大指数R=0.980)、隔离层(隔离层产生比例G=88.9%)和导管堵塞(导管堵塞率D=16.3%)现象。4种中间砧中,以‘南通小方柿’和‘西村早生’作中间砧的2年生‘富有’甜柿嫁接苗株高、叶绿素总量、瞬时光合速率、叶片可溶性糖含量、根系可溶性糖含量和根系活力均极显著大于对照(P<0.05),成活率、茎段直径、叶片面积大于对照,且这2种中间砧明显降低植株嫁接口的R值、G值和D值。相同长度下,不同中间砧的嫁接苗生长指标综合评价值Q排序:‘南通小方柿’>‘西村早生’>‘次郎’>‘兰溪大红柿’。相同中间砧下,10 cm长度中间砧的组合成活率、株高、茎段直径、叶片面积和Q值大于25 cm中间砧的组合,R值、G值和D值则小于25 cm中间砧的组合。G值、D值与Q值极显著负相关(相关系数分别为-0.910,-0.977,P<0.01),表明嫁接口愈合情况直接影响嫁接苗早期表型生长和生理生化特性。【结论】浙江柿直接嫁接‘富有’甜柿早期不亲和。利用‘南通小方柿’和‘西村早生’作中间砧能改善嫁接口愈合情况,促进浙江柿嫁接‘富有’甜柿亲和;且以10 cm长度‘南通小方柿’作中间砧的‘富有’甜柿嫁接苗早期亲和性最好(Q=2.71,G=11.1%,D=0)。
[ Objective ] Early growth and anatomic structure of grafted plants of Diospyros kaki ' Fuyu' with different interstocks were studied in order to screen optimum grafting combinations with good early compatibility, and to understand the mechanisms of compatibility of the interstocks. [ Method ] Scions from variety ' Fuyu' were grafted onto D. kaki ' Lanxidahongshi' , D. kaki ' Nantongxiaofangshi' , D. kaki ' Jirou' , and D. kaki ' Nishimurawase' as interstocks (each with 10 cm and 25 cm in length respectively), and D. glaucifolia as rootstock. Comparative analysis of early phenotypic traits and physio-biochemical indicators were analyzed to evaluate growth performance and physio-biochemical characteristics of the grafted plants. Paraffin section and optical microscope technology were used to observe anatomical properties of grafting union between rootstock and interstock, interstock and scion. [ Result ] Interstocks and their lengths were important factors influencing early growth and anatomic structure. When D. glaucifolia was directly grafted to ' Fuyu' persimmon ( the control), the grafted plants had a poor phonotypical performance such as low survival rate and short in plant height, and poor physio-biochemical properties, and the graft union displayed an obvious swelling (swelling index R = O. 980) , and at the graft union occur isolation layer (the proportion of isolation layer G = 88.9% ) and vessel jam ( the proportion of jam vessels D = 16.3% ). When ' Nishimurawase' or ' Nantongxiaofangshi' were used as interstock, for the two-year-old grafted plants, the height, chlorophyll (a + b) content, photosynthetic rate, leaf and root soluble sugar contents, and root viability were very significantly higher than those observed in the control (P 〈 0.05). Survival rate, stem diameter, and leaf area were larger than those of the control. And both persimmons as interstock significantly reduced the values of R, G, and D. With the same length of interstock, the ranks of comprehensive evaluation score (Q) on growth traits was in the following order (according to division of intestock) : ' Nantongxiaofangshi' 〉 ' Nishimurawase' 〉 ' Jirou' 〉 ' Lanxidahongshi' With the same interstock, survival rate, plant height, stem diameter, leaf area, and Q were better when the length of interstock was 10 cm. G, D, and Q had a significantly negative correlation (correlation coefficients were -0. 910 and -0. 977, respectively; P 〈 0.01), demonstrating that the status of the grafting union had a direct impact on early growth and physiological properties of the grafted plants. [ Conclusion ] There was incompatibility when D. kaki ' Fuyu ' directly grafted to D. glaucifolia, when D. kaki 'Nantongxiaofangshi' or 'Nishimurawase' were used as the interstock, the grafting union can be better developed consequently improving the compatibility of 'Fuyu' grafted to D. glaucifolia. And optimum combination was D. glaucifolia / D. kaki ' Nantongxiaofangshi' ( the length of interstock is 10 cm) / D. kaki ' Fuyu' (Q =2.71, G=11.1%, D=0).



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