3种育苗因素对闽楠容器苗生长和根系发育的影响 被引量:14
Effects of three factors on seedling growth and root development of Phoebe bournei container
英文题名:Effects of three factors on seedling growth and root development of Phoebe bournei container
作者:周新华[1] 武晓玉[1] 何平[1] 喻龙华[1] 厉月桥[1]
外文期刊名:Journal of Central South University of Forestry & Technology
外文关键词:Phoebe bournei;containerized seedling;substrate ratio;SRF;container size
摘要:【目的】通过研究容器育苗中不同处理对闽楠苗木生长和根系发育指标的影响,探讨闽楠容器苗在不同育苗措施组合下苗木生长效果的差异,得到闽楠容器育苗的最佳措施组合,最终为闽楠优质容器苗培育提供科技支撑和实践指导。【方法】以1年生闽楠容器苗为材料,采用析因实验设计,系统研究基质比例、缓释肥施用量和容器大小对闽楠容器苗生长和根系发育的影响,并运用隶属函数法对各育苗组合进行综合评价。【结果】3个主因素中,基质比例对苗木生长和根系发育的影响最大,对所有生长指标和根系发育指标的影响均达到极显著水平;其次是容器大小,对所有生长指标的影响均达到显著或极显著水平,对除根直径外的所有根系发育指标影响均达极显著水平;缓释肥施用量最小,仅对部分生长指标和根系发育指标影响显著。两因素交互效应中,基质比例×缓释肥施用量交互效应最大,对所有生长指标和除根直径外的根系发育指标均有显著影响;缓释肥施用量×容器大小的交互效应其次,对绝大多数生长指标和部分根系发育指标影响显著;基质比例×容器大小交互效应最小,对部分生长指标和根系发育指标显著影响。基质比例×缓释肥施用量×容器大小三因素交互效应对所有生长指标和根系发育指标均有显著影响。所有育苗措施组合中,V(泥炭)∶V(稻壳)∶V(木屑)=3∶1∶1、缓释肥施用量为4.0 kg·m^(-3)、容器大小为4.0 cm×10.0cm的措施组合育苗效果最佳,平均隶属函数为0.7969,综合排名第1,其生长指标隶属函数平均值为0.8309,根系发育指标隶属函数平均值为0.7629。【结论】各因素不仅单独影响育苗效果,它们之间还存在着显著的交互效应,筛选出的最佳育苗组合方案以及排名前10的育苗方案,可更好地指导生产实践。
【Objective】The effects of different treatments on the growth and root development of Phoebe bournei seedlings were studied.To explore the changes of seedling growth effect of Phoebe bournei container seedling under different seedling growing measures.The best combination of seedling measures for Phoebe bournei container was obtained.Finally,it provides scientific and technological support and practical guidance for the cultivation of high-quality container seedlings of Phoebe bournei.【Method】Taking 1 a Phoebe bournei container seedling as material.Factorial experimental design was adopted.The effects of matrix ratio,sustained release fertilizer and container size on the growth and root development of Phoebe bournei container seedlings were systematically studied.The membership function method was used to evaluate the seedling combinations synthetically.【Result】Among the three main factors,the proportion of substrate had the greatest influence on the growth and root development of seedlings,and the influence on all the growth indexes and root development indexes was extremely significant.Secondly,container size had significant or extremely significant effects on all growth indicators,and extremely significant effects on all root development indicators except root diameter.The application amount of slow-release fertilizer was the least,and only some growth indexes and root development indexes were significantly affected.Among the interaction effects of the two factors,the interaction effect of matrix ratio×slow-release fertilizer application amount was the largest,which had significant influence on all growth indexes and root development indexes except root diameter.The interaction effect of the application amount of slow-release fertilizer×container size was significant.The matrix ratio×container size had the least interaction effect,and significantly affected some growth indexes and root development indexes.The interaction effect of matrix ratio×slow-release fertilizer application amount×container size had significant influence on all growth indexes and root development indexes.Among all the combinations of seedling measures,the combination of V(peat)∶V(rice husk)∶V(sawdust)=3∶1∶1,the application amount of sustained-release fertilizer was 4.0 kg·m^(-3),and the container size was 4.0 cm×10.0 cm,which had the best seedling effect.The average membership function was 0.7969,ranking the first overall.The average membership function of growth index was 0.8309,and the average membership function of root development index was 0.7629.【Conclusion】Each factor not only affects the seedling effect individually,but also has a significant interaction effect among them.The selected optimal seedling combination scheme and the top 10 seedling breeding scheme can better guide the production practice.