寄生青海草原毛虫的金小蜂一新种(膜翅目:金小蜂科) ( EI收录)
A New Species of Pteromalus (Hymenoptera:Pteromalidae) Parasitizing Pupa of Gynaephora qinghaiensis (Lepidoptera: Lymantriidae) from Qinghai-Tibet Plateau
英文题名:A New Species of Pteromalus (Hymenoptera:Pteromalidae) Parasitizing Pupa of Gynaephora qinghaiensis (Lepidoptera: Lymantriidae) from Qinghai-Tibet Plateau
作者:杨忠岐[1] 王小艺[1] 钟欣[2] 刘昕[2] 曹亮明[1] 王海贞[2]
外文期刊名:Scientia Silvae Sinicae
外文关键词:Gynaephora qinghaiensis;insect natural enemy;Pteromalus sanjiangyuanicus;new species;parasitoid;biocontrol
摘要:【目的】草原毛虫(鳞翅目:毒蛾科)是我国三江源自然保护区的重大害虫,取食危害多种高山草甸植物。为了保护自然保护区植被,无公害防治草原毛虫十分重要。调查草原毛虫天敌昆虫区系,以期为利用天敌控制草原毛虫打下基础。【方法】在三江源自然保护区核心区调查采集青海草原毛虫蛹,带回室内饲养出寄生蜂成虫,随后统计寄生率,并进行天敌分类研究。【结果】发现1种寄生青海草原毛虫的金小蜂新种——三江源草原毛虫金小蜂Pteromalus sanjiangyuanicus Yang,详细描述该寄生蜂新种的形态特征,提供清晰的形态特征彩色照片;并记述其生物学、分布等基础信息;列出区分新种与相近种——草原毛虫金小蜂Pteromalus qinghaiensis Liao 1987的检索表。【结论】为生物防治青海草原毛虫和其他种草原毛虫这种重大害虫找到1种新天敌,在生物防治上具有重要价值。
【Objective】Grassland caterpillars,Gynaephora spp.(Lepidoptera:Lymantriidae),attack many plants in the Sanjiangyuan Nature Reserve which is in Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.For protecting the vegetation there it is essential to control the pests with non-pollution techniques.We investigated the insect natural enemies of the caterpillars and tried to use them for biocontrol.【Method】We collected pupae of G.qinghaiensis which is widely distributed in the Reserve and brought them to lab for rearing parasitoids.Then the parasitism rate was counted and the natural enemies were classified.【Result】A new parasitoid species,Pteromalus sanjiangyuanicus Yang(Hymenoptera:Pteromalidae),was found parasitizing the pupae of Gynaephora qinghaiensis during the survey by taxonomic study.In this paper,the morphological characteristics of the new species of parasitoid were described in detail,and clear color photos of morphological characteristics were provided.The basic information of its biology and distribution is also provided.Meanwhile,a key to distinguish the new species from the closed species P.qinghaiensis Liao 1987 is provided.The characters below are different from the latter species:Female antennae black-brown only with base part of the scape dark-yellow;metasoma dark-brown with slight purple luster;all coxae having same color with mesosoma and others yellow-brown;notauli appearing at anterior 1/3 of mesonotum and although they are weak but distinct;forewing with marginal vein 1.3 times as long as stigmal vein;dorsellum with a sharp carina which like a“V”and its anterior part concave with about 10 short longitudinal carinae in concave area,length of the area about as long as frenal area of scutellum(22∶24)medially;propodeum with median carina exist at basal 1/3 although it is weak;upper mesepimeron reticulate and not smooth and shining.Male antennae dark-brown and metasoma only 0.8 times as long as mesosoma.【Conclusion】In the present survey,a new parasitoid species has been found and is a new natural enemy which has high potential for biocontrol of the caterpillar.The types of the new species are kept in the Insect Collection,Chinese Academy of Forestry,Beijing,China.