中国东部森林样带典型森林水源涵养功能 被引量:88
The water conservation study of typical forest ecosystems in the forest transect of eastern China
英文题名:The water conservation study of typical forest ecosystems in the forest transect of eastern China
作者:贺淑霞[1,2] 李叙勇[1] 莫菲[1] 周彬[3] 高广磊[3]
外文期刊名:Acta Ecologica Sinica
外文关键词:forest transect of eastern China; forest water conservation; canopy interception; litter; soil water capacity
摘要:通过对我国东部森林样带4个森林生态系统定位研究站(长白山站、北京站、会同站和鼎湖山站)的9种森林类型水源涵养监测数据的分析,研究了水热梯度下不同森林生态系统水源涵养功能。结果表明:在生长季的5—10月份,各森林类型的水源涵养特性表现出较大差异。林冠截留率的大小依次为:阔叶红松林>杉木林>常绿阔叶林>针阔混交林>季风常绿阔叶林>落叶阔叶混交林>马尾松林>落叶松林>油松林,最高的长白山站阔叶红松林的截留率是最低的北京站油松林的2.2倍。森林降雨截留量与林外降雨量呈显著的正相关,林冠截留率与降雨量呈显著负相关。枯落物最大持水深(5—10月份)以北京站落叶阔叶林最大,为6.0 mm;鼎湖山站的季风常绿阔叶林最小,为1.0 mm。0—60 cm土层蓄水量最大的是会同站的人工杉木林,为247 mm;最小的是北京站的落叶松林,仅为45.5 mm;林分总持水量依次为:杉木林>阔叶红松林>常绿阔叶林>针阔混交林>季风常绿阔叶林>落叶阔叶混交林>马尾松林>落叶松林>油松林。各林分总持水量主要集中在土壤层,占总比例的90%以上。
A forest ecosystem consists of forest coenosis and environment, which are affected and interacted each other, with the function of energy transformation and storage. The forest ecosystem builds a perfect environment for rainfall interception and storage with its lush canopy, shrub layer and herb layer of undergrowth vegetation, forest floor litter, loose and deep soil layer. The forest ecosystem strongly affects rainfall redistribution and storage and thus plays its role as the unique function of water conservation. However, different forest ecosystems in different climate zones could exhibit big differences in characteristics of their water conservation functions due to different forest structure, topology, and soil properties. We selected four long-term forest ecosystem sites (Changbaishan, Beijing, Huitong, and Dinghushan sites) in our study. These study sites are located in the forest transect of eastern China across the semi-arid monsoon climate in the temperate zone, semi-humid warm temperate zone and subtropical monsoon climatic zone from north to south, with obvious thermal gradient and hydrologic gradient. We analyze stem flow, canopy interception of rainfall, rainfall through the forest, water holding capacity in forest litter layers and mineral soil layers, and overall forest water conservation capacity of nine forest ecosystem types across four study sites in the growing season during May to October. The results showed that: canopy interception varied significantly across different forest types from May to October. The retention rate were in order of Korean pine forest 〉 firs 〉 evergreen broadleaved forest 〉 mixed coniferous an.d broad-leaved forest 〉 monsoon evergreen broad-leaved forest〉defoliate broad-leaved mixed forest〉pinus massoniana forest〉larix plantation forest〉pinus tabulae-formis forest. The highest retention rate was Korean pine forest which was 2.2 times than the lowest, pinus tabulae-formis forest. The interception had significantly positive correlation to rainfall outside of the forest stands; canopy interception rate had significantly negative correlation to precipitation. We also found that the highest water-capacity of forest litter was deciduous broad-leaved forest in Beijing site, 6.0ram from May to October; the lowest water-capacity was monsoon evergreen broad- leaved forest in Dinghushan site, 1.0ram from May to October. The maximum water-capacity of the soil layer from 0 to 60era depth was artificial fir in Huitong site, 247mm; the lowest was the larch in Beijing site, 45.5ram. Total water storage capacity of the forest ecosystem were in order of firs〉Korean pine forest〉evergreen broadleaved forest〉mixed coniferous and broad-leaved forest〉monsoon evergreen broad-leaved forest 〉defoliate broad-leaved mixed forest 〉pinus massoniana forest 〉 arix plantation forest〉pinus tabulae-formis forest. The total water storage capacity of different forest ecosystems fluctuated between 40-250mm during growing season. All of the subtropical forest ecosystems had higher values of water storage capacity, more than 100mm except the Pinus massoniana forest, 99.74mm; all forest ecosystems in semi-arid area of Beijing site had lower values of water storage capacity, less than 100mm. More than 90% of total water were stored in soil, followed by forest litter layer, about 8% , and then followed by forest canopy interception, about 2%. Our findings could promote the water conservation practice of forest ecosystems in eastern China.