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Unravelling the mechanisms of spatial correlation between species and size diversity in forest ecosystems  ( SCI-EXPANDED收录 EI收录)   被引量:5


英文题名:Unravelling the mechanisms of spatial correlation between species and size diversity in forest ecosystems

作者:Pommerening, Arne[1] Zhang, Gongqiao[2] Zhang, Xiaohong[3]

第一作者:Pommerening, Arne

通信作者:Zhang, GQ[1];Zhang, XH[2]

机构:[1]Swedish Univ Agr Sci SLU, Fac Forest Sci, Dept Forest Ecol & Management, Skogsmarksgrand 17, SE-90183 Umea, Sweden;[2]Chinese Acad Forestry, Res Inst Forestry, Key Lab Tree Breeding & Cultivat, Natl Forestry & Grassland Adm, Box 1958, Beijing 100091, Peoples R China;[3]Chinese Acad Forestry, Key Lab Forest Management & Growth Modelling, NFGA, Res Inst Forest Resource Informat Tech IFRIT, Beijing 100091, Peoples R China





基金:The authors thank Hongxiang Wang (Guangxi University, China) for letting us use his Daqingshan data in this study. A.P. gratefully acknowledges a guest professor grant from the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences BOKU that allowed him to spend three weeks of this study at Vienna in October 2019 and to collaborate with X.Z. He thanks Manfred Lexer and the colleagues at the Institute of Silviculture for their hospitality. G.Z.'s research visit to Ume5 was funded by the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Non-profit Research Institution of the Chinese Academy of Forestry (project number CAFYBB2019GC001-2). X.Z. received funding from the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Non-profit Research Institution of the Chinese Academy of Forestry (project number CAFYBB2019GC001-6) for a research stay at Vienna (Austria). We thank Mad Myllymaki (LUKE, Finland) for interesting discussions about random-labelling and globalenvelope testing.


外文关键词:Insurance hypothesis; Plant-plant interactions; Point process statistics; Mark mingling function; Mark variogram; Random-labelling test

摘要:With ongoing climate change at global scale we are currently losing biodiversity at an unprecedented rate. The insurance hypothesis and associated research, however, suggest that biodiversity has a major stabilising effect in ecosystems. In this situation, it is crucial to develop a better understanding of natural processes of maintaining biodiversity for employing them in conservation practice. In forest ecosystems, spatial species and size diversity are important aspects of a-diversity at woodland community and species population level. Both aspects of spatial diversity stem from complex relationships between tree interaction, disturbances and subsequent waves of colonisation by tree seedlings of various species. Using point process statistics, particularly the mark mingling function and the mark variogram, we studied the processes causing spatial correlations of species and size diversity. We found that spatial species dispersal and conspecific size distributions are key drivers of spatial species-size correlations and that a combination of simple random size-labelling techniques applied to mark variograms is instrumental in efficiently diagnosing them. If size ranges differ between species, spatial size diversity is largely a function of spatial species mingling. The existence of these correlations is crucial to conservation because they imply that conservation efforts can be rationalised: It is possible to focus on only one of the two tree diversity aspects. Interestingly, in multi-species forest ecosystems, although general species diversity is high, spatial species-size correlations can be diluted, because some of the many species populations may have similar size distributions.



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