引黄灌区水资源利用与土壤盐渍化防治 被引量:34
Utilization of Water Resources and Soil Salinization Control in the Dengkou Irrigated Area, Inner Mongolia
英文题名:Utilization of Water Resources and Soil Salinization Control in the Dengkou Irrigated Area, Inner Mongolia
作者:王葆芳[1] 杨晓晖[1] 江泽平[1]
外文期刊名:Arid Zone Research
基金:"十五"国家攻关项目 ( 2 0 0 2BA5 17A0 9-0 2 )
外文关键词:Dengkou Irrigated Area; utilization of water resources; soil salinization control.
摘要:以内蒙古磴口县为例 ,对沿黄 (河 )灌区水资源利用及土壤盐渍化防治进行了研究。结果表明 ,现阶段采用引黄河水灌溉与竖井提灌相结合的灌溉方式 ,是较为科学的水资源利用模式 ;以控制耕作区内土壤次生盐渍化为目的的井灌与渠灌面积比例为 1∶5 .8,以调控磴口灌区水资源为目标的井灌与渠灌面积比例为 1 .2∶1 ;水泥渗漏型管道是较为理想的渠道输水方式 ,可减少渗漏损失 7.2 4 %~ 31 .1 4 %。同时 ,基于水资源合理利用的土壤盐渍化防治可采取工程和生物相结合的措施 ,采用竖井以灌代排可使区域内平均脱盐率达 4 2 .8% ;春季用 1 5 0 0m3 /hm2 黄河水快速洗盐 ,可有效抑制土壤返盐 ;渠道防护林的营造可使农田地下水位降低 1 0~ 4 5cm ,影响范围达 35m。在沿黄 (河 )灌区进行合理的水盐综合调控 。
In this paper, a case study on the utilization of water resources and the soil salinization control is carried out in the Dengkou Irrigated Area by channeling stream water from the Yellow River. The results show that the current irrigation way that the stream water channeling from the Yellow River is combined with groundwater pumping is a rational mode of utilization of water resources; the ratio between the well water irrigated area and the stream water irrigated area is 1∶5.8 based on the consideration of controlling second salinization in the irrigated area, the ratio between the well water irrigated area and the stream water irrigated area is 1.2∶1 based on the consideration of controlling water resources in the irrigated area; the permeable concrete conduits are ideal for the stream water conveyance, and the permeation loss can be reduced for 7.24%~31.14%. Moreover, the soil salinization can be controlled by combining the engineering with biological measures, the desalinization rate can be up to 42.8% by pumping groundwater to replace drainage; the saline soil can be rapidly desalinized by irrigation in a stream water volume of 1 500 m 3/hm 2 in spring; afforestation of shelter forests along the irrigation ditches can bring about a drawdown of groundwater level for 10~45 cm, and the influencing extent can be up to 35 m. The rational synthetic water salt regulation is a radical way for reducing the waste of water resources and alleviating soil salinization in the Dengkou Irrigated Area by channeling stream water from the Yellow River.