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基于VLF/LF三维闪电定位系统的大兴安岭闪电时空分布特征  ( EI收录)  

Temporal and Spatial Distribution Characteristics of Lightning in Daxing’anling Mountains Based on VLF/LF 3D Lightning Location System



英文题名:Temporal and Spatial Distribution Characteristics of Lightning in Daxing’anling Mountains Based on VLF/LF 3D Lightning Location System

作者:李伟克[1,2] 舒立福[1,2] 苑尚博[3] 宋佳军[3] 李威[1,2] 司莉青[1,2] 赵凤君[1,2] 王亚惠[3] 王明玉[1,2]








外文期刊名:Scientia Silvae Sinicae





外文关键词:Daxing’anling Mountains;3D lightning location system;intra-cloud lightning and cloud to ground lightning;positive lightning and negative lightning;spatiotemporal distribution;lightning fire


摘要:【目的】分析大兴安岭闪电发生规律,为雷击火监测预警和防范扑救提供科学依据。【方法】基于大兴安岭2019—2021年VLF/LF三维闪电监测数据,分析大兴安岭闪电(云闪、地闪、负闪、正闪)数量、峰值电流强度、云闪高度以及时空分布规律。【结果】1)2019—2021年,大兴安岭共探测到闪电710487次(其中,黑龙江大兴安岭321667次,内蒙古大兴安岭388820次),平均每年236829次。大兴安岭闪电以负地闪为主,其中云闪∶地闪比例和正闪∶负闪的比例均大致为1∶5。大兴安岭正、负闪峰值电流强度的范围分别为4.5~371kA和-501.7~-4.5kA,大多数闪电峰值电流强度的绝对值集中在4.5~50kA之间。大兴安岭平均云闪高度为4.72 km,其中88.09%的云闪高度在10 km以下;2)大兴安岭平均闪电日数为每年127天,闪电从4月末开始至10月中下旬结束,多发生于5—8月,其中7月是集中高发期。闪电发生单日呈单峰变化规律,10:00起闪电开始增多,12:00—17:00是高发时段,18:00后闪电数量逐渐减少,午夜至凌晨阶段闪电总量明显减少;3)大兴安岭闪电呈空间聚集性分布,整体看黑龙江大兴安岭闪电密度明显高于内蒙古大兴安岭。高密度闪电区主要集中在黑龙江大兴安岭的呼中、塔河、韩家园、新林、南瓮河自然保护区和加格达奇等地;4)低强度负地闪这类容易引发雷击火的闪电主要集中在黑龙江大兴安岭的西林吉和图强南部,塔河大部及呼中北部,南瓮河自然保护区以及内蒙古大兴安岭的满归北部和汗马、金河等小部分地区。【结论】大兴安岭闪电发生具有明显的时空异质性,基于闪电发生规律和易引发火灾的特定类型闪电开展针对性的监测预警和提前部署,是防范重大雷击火灾发生的有效手段。
【Objective】Lightning fire is the biggest cause threatening the safety of forest resources in Daxing’anling Mountains.This study aims to provide a scientific basis for lightning fire monitoring,early warning,prevention and suppression by analyzing the occurrence pattern of lightning in the Daxing’anling Mountains.【Method】Based on the monitoring data with the VLF/LF 3D lightning location system from 2019 to 2021 in Daxing’anling Mountains,the quantity of lightning(intra-cloud lightning,IC;cloud to ground lightning,CG;positive lightning,PL;negative lightning,NL),current intensity,height of IC,and the temporal and spatial distribution of lightning activities were analyzed.【Result】1)A total of 710487 times of lightning were detected in Daxing’anling Mountains(321667 times in Heilongjiang Daxing’anling Mountains and 388820 times in Inner Mongolia Daxing’anling Mountains)from 2019 to 2021,with an average of 236829 times per year.The lightning in Daxing’anling Mountains was mainly negative CG,in which the IC∶CG ratio and PL∶NL ratio were roughly 1∶5.The current intensity of PL and NL in Daxing’anling Mountains ranged from 4.5 to 371 kA,and from-501.7 to-4.5 kA,respectively,and the absolute value of the current intensity of most lightnings was concentrated between 4.5 and 50 kA.The average IC height in Daxing’anling Mountains was 4.72 km,of which 88.09%was mainly below 10 km.2)The average number of lightning days in Daxing’anling Mountains was 127 days per year.Lightning started at the end of April and ended in mid and late October,mostly from May to August,of which July was a concentrated high incidence period.The occurrence of lightning showed a single peak change pattern in a single day.Lightning started to increase at 10:00,and the high incidence period was from 12:00 to 17:00.After 18:00,the number of lightning gradually decreased,and the total amount of lightning decreased significantly from midnight to early morning.3)The distribution of lightning in Daxing’anling Mountains was spatial aggregation.On the whole,the lightning density in Daxing’anling Mountains of Heilongjiang was significantly higher than that in Daxing’anling Mountains of Inner Mongolia.High density lightning areas were mostly distributed in Daxing’anling Mountains of Heilongjiang,such as Huzhong,Tahe,Hanjiayuan,Xinlin,Nanwenghe Nature Reserve and Jiagedaqi.4)Low intensity negative CGs,which are easy to cause lightning fires,were mainly concentrated in Xilinji,the south of Tuqiang,most area of Tahe,the north of Huzhong,and Nanwenghe Nature Reserve in Heilongjiang Daxing’anling Mountains,and the north of Mangui,a small part of Hanma and Jinhe in Inner Mongolia Daxing’anling Mountains.【Conclusion】The occurrence of lightning in Daxing’anling Mountains has obvious spatial-temporal heterogeneity.Based on the occurrence pattern of lightning and specific types of lightning that are prone to fire,it is suggested that targeted monitoring,early warning and early deployment are effective means to prevent major lightning fires.



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