基于扇形X射线束的立木CT成像系统 ( EI收录) 被引量:13
CT Imaging System for Standing Wood Based on Fan-Shaped X-Ray Beam
英文题名:CT Imaging System for Standing Wood Based on Fan-Shaped X-Ray Beam
作者:戚玉涵[1] 徐佳鹤[1,2] 张星梅[1,2] 葛浙东[1] 李早芳[1] 周玉成[1,2]
通信作者:Zhou, Yucheng
外文期刊名:Scientia Silvae Sinicae
外文关键词:X-ray; computed tomography; standing wood imaging
摘要:【目的】研制一套基于扇形X射线束的立木CT成像系统,将计算机层析成像技术应用于对立木的扫描,实现立木的高分辨率断层成像,便于科研人员全面、准确了解木材的内部结构与缺陷特征,为木材科学研究提供技术支撑。【方法】立木CT成像是根据木材不同构造对X射线的吸收程度不同,通过测定X射线在木材内的衰减系数,求解衰减系数值在立木断层上的二维分布矩阵,并将其变换为人眼可见的灰度图像,实现立木断层图像的成像。立木CT成像系统包括X射线源、X射线探测器、电动旋转台和中控计算机等,中控计算机作为控制处理单元对系统进行整体控制。在对立木进行扫描的过程中,X射线源与X射线探测器保持静止,被测立木置于电动旋转台的旋转中心,并随电动旋转台旋转;X射线源向被测立木投射出扇形X射线束,X射线探测器采集立木在不同旋转角度时透过立木的X射线强度;控制计算机通过USB总线向探测器下发数据采集命令,探测器将采集到的X射线强度数据转化为数字电信号上传给控制计算机,保存为数据库文件。为使探测器采集的X射线强度数据满足计算机层析图像重建的要求,需对采集的数据进行预处理,包括探测器的暗场去除、探测器中响应异常坏道的补偿、通道响应一致性的校正以及立木断层线积分投影值的求取。立木CT成像系统采用的图像重建算法是基于扇形束等距离探测器的滤波反投影重建算法。【结果】立木CT成像系统的空间分辨率为0.4 mm,能够检测立木的最大直径为29.5 cm。采用扇形X射线束分别对崖柏、红松和胶合板立木进行360°扫描试验,试验一验证了立木断层各角度下投影数据的有效性以及CT重建图像的合理性,试验二将立木横断面的实际图像与立木断层的重建图像进行对比,验证了立木断层重建图像的正确性。【结论】立木断层重建图像可清晰反映出立木断层的形状、内裂、年轮以及髓心等结构特征,图像质量能够满足科研人员对木材内部构造检测的要求。
【Objective】A computed tomography( CT) imaging system based on fan-shaped X-ray beam was developed for high-resolution tomographic imaging of standing wood. Many subjects such as nuclear physics,computer science and signal processing etc. were integrated in the CT imaging system. The CT technology was applied in standing wood,the reconstruction image of standing wood could be used to facilitate researchers accurately understanding internal structure and defect characteristics of wood,which would provide technical support for the wood science research in China.【Method】CT imaging for standing wood based on the X-ray absorption extent might be different in various wood structures. So,by measuring the X-ray attenuation coefficients within wood,solving the two-dimensional distribution matrix of coefficients on standing wood 's cross section,transforming the matrix into a gray-scale image,and the tomographic imaging for standing wood could be realized. The CT imaging system includes an X-ray source,an X-ray detector,an electric rotational stage and a computer,the computer controls the CT system as a central processing unit.During standing wood 's scanning,the X-ray source and the X-ray detector were stationary,while the standing wood placed in the center of electric rotational stage. The fan-shaped beam was emitting from X-ray source to the standing wood and the X-ray detector captured the penetrated X-ray intensity when the standing wood was at different angles of rotation.The computer gave detector an order to collect data via USB,and converted the X-ray intensity into digital signal,then transferred to the computer and saved as database files. In order to meet the requirements of computer tomographic imaging reconstruction,the data needs to be pre-processed,including removing detector's dark field,compensating detector's abnormal responded channels,correcting detector 's inconsistent response,and calculating the line integral projection value of standing wood 's cross section. Based on the fan-shaped X-ray beam and equidistant line array detector,the filtered back projection reconstruction algorithm was used in the standing wood CT system. 【Result】The performance of the CT system for standing wood was assessed,the space resolution of the CT system is 0. 4 mm,and the maximum diameter of the detected standing wood is 29. 5 cm. The scanning experiments were carried out on a block of Thuja,Pinus and plywood at 360 degrees,respectively. The experiment-1 verified that the standing woods' projection data at various angles were effective and the according CT reconstruction images were reasonable. The experiment-2 demonstrated that the CT reconstruction images were correct by comparing the pictures and the reconstruction images of the standing woods' cross sections. 【Conclusion】The reconstruction images clearly revealed the structural features of standing woods' cross sections,such as shape,crack,growth ring and pith,etc. The quality of the reconstruction images meet requirements for detecting standing woods' internal structure.