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Preparation of UV-curing flame-retardant coating for parquet using open paint process



英文题名:Preparation of UV-curing flame-retardant coating for parquet using open paint process

作者:赫艳荣[1] 吴玉章[1] 张景朋[1] 屈伟[1]








外文期刊名:Journal of Forestry Engineering





外文关键词:UV curing;transparency;flame retardant;parquet;open paint technique


摘要:基于膨胀阻燃理论,通过将传统粉状阻燃剂聚磷酸铵(APP)和季戊四醇(PER)与聚氨酯改性丙烯酸酯树脂(UV树脂)复配,制备适用于开放式实木复合地板用UV固化型阻燃涂料。采用紫外可见光分光光度计、热重分析仪、锥形量热仪以及场发射扫描电镜(SEM)分别对不同APP/PER配比涂料的透明性、热稳定性、阻燃性以及残炭内部形貌进行测试分析,结果表明,当m(APP)∶m(PER)=3∶1时,涂膜在可见光波长范围内的透光率为67%~80%。涂料的热释放速率峰值(pHRR)、60 s内的平均热释放速率(AveHRR_(60s))以及150 s内的总热释放量(THR)3个指标较未添加粉状阻燃剂的样品分别降低了65.7%,54.2%和38.2%。SEM结果显示,此比例下残炭内部泡孔均匀分布且呈现完全舒展的状态;涂料的试用期大于168 h(70℃),且涂膜的耐水性能良好,附着力、硬度和耐磨性能均满足GB/T 18103—2013《实木复合地板》中规定的要求。辐射热源法结果显示,涂布量为50 g/m^(2)时,地板阻燃等级便可达到GB 8624—2012《建筑材料及制品燃烧性能分极》中规定的B1级。
Wooden floors have been become more and more popular with consumers due to their natural texture, beautiful color, energy saving and environmental protection, but wood materials are flammable, limiting their wide applications. The floor is in every room of the building, which can promote the spread of the fire once a fire occurs. So, it is of great significance to take necessary fire-retardant treatments for the floor. From the perspective of the “three elements” theory of combustion, it is more convenient and effective to directly apply flame retardant coatings on the floor surface. In order to obtain better flame retardant properties, the coating amount is often greater than 250 g/m^(2) or even as high as 500 g/m^(2), which is not suitable for the open paint process. The relatively low coating weight also poses a challenge to the flame retardant properties of the coatings. Based on the intumescent flame-retardant theory, a UV curable flame retardant coating was prepared, which was prepared by mixing ammonium polyphosphate(APP), pentaerythritol(PER) and polyurethane-modified acrylate resin. This coating was used for the parquet based on open paint process. The transparency, thermal stability, flame retardancy of the coatings were tested using the ultraviolet spectrophotometer, cone calorimeter, and field emission scanning electron microscopy, respectively. The results showed that, when m(APP)∶m(PER) = 3∶1, the transmittance of the coating was 67%-80% in the wavelength of 400-800 nm. Compared with that of the parquet coated without the flame retardant, the peak heat release rate(pHRR), average heat release rate within 60 s(AveHRR_(60s)) and total heat release rate within 150 s(THR_(150s)) of the coated samples with flame retardant were decreased by 65.7%, 54.2% and 38.2%, respectively. The SEM results showed that the residual char of the coating had the optimal intumescent state. In addition, the shelf life of the coating was more than 168 h at temperature of 70 ℃. The water resistance, the adhesion, the hardness, and the wear resistance of the coating are satisfied with the requirements of the standard of GB/T 18103-2013 “Engineered wood flooring”. According to GB 8624-2012 “Clssification for burning behavior of building materials and products”, the flame retardant rating of the parquet floor can reach B1 level, when the wet coating density is 50 g/m^(2).



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