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云南兰坪云南红豆杉种群年龄结构与空间分布格局分析     被引量:24

Age Structure and Spatial Distirbution Patterns of Taxus yunnanensis Population in Lanping County,Yunnan Province



英文题名:Age Structure and Spatial Distirbution Patterns of Taxus yunnanensis Population in Lanping County,Yunnan Province

作者:李帅锋[1] 刘万德[1] 苏建荣[1] 郎学东[1] 张志钧[1]








外文期刊名:Acta Botanica Boreali-Occidentalia Sinica





外文关键词:Taxus yunnanensis ; age structure ; point pattern analysis ; spatial distribution pattern ; spatial as-sociations


摘要:利用点格局分析法对滇西北兰坪县4个云南红豆杉(Taxus yunnanensis)种群的年龄结构、不同生长阶段空间分布格局及其关联性进行分析。结果表明:(1)林窗与人为干扰影响4个云南红豆杉种群的龄级结构,小林窗的种群呈稳定型;较大林窗的种群呈进展型;群落结构完整未出现林窗和有较大人为干扰的种群年龄结构均呈衰退型,幼苗、幼树与小树个体缺乏,种群存在一定程度的更新困难,林窗的大小是种群更新的重要因素。(2)人为干扰、自然生境与本身生物学特性影响4个种群空间分布格局,种群1整体及其不同生长阶段个体均呈聚集分布;种群2和种群4在小尺度呈聚集分布,而在大尺度上呈随机分布;种群3随着空间尺度增大分布格局表现为聚集→随机→聚集趋势。(3)种群2中幼苗、小树和中树在小尺度下表现为聚集分布,其他尺度下表现为随机分布;种群3的小树阶段聚集分布和随机分布皆有出现,中树与大树在不同尺度上表现为聚集分布;种群4聚集分布的强度随生长阶段的增加在减弱。(4)4个种群各发育阶段间皆呈或接近显著正相关,种内竞争弱,有利于种群维持。
By using point pattern analysis, we analysed the age structure, spatial distribution patterns and associations of different age class individuals of four Taxus yunnanensis populations in Lanping County, Northwest Yunnan Province. (1)Forest gap and human disturbance were important factors which influ enced age structure of four T. yunnanensis populations. The age structure of population which had a small forest gap indicated stable type and which had a larger forest gap indicated growth types. The age structure of population showed decline type when community structure integrity had no forest gap or population with comparatively larger human disturbance. The decline types were short of individuals of seedling, saplings and small trees and had regeneration difficulties to certain extent. The size of forest gaps is an important factor of population regeneration. (2)Human disturbance, natural environment and its biological character istics affect spatial distribution patterns of 4 populations. There was a significantly aggregated distribution at overall and every growth stages of population 1. Population 2 and 4 all displayed that aggregated distri bution in small scales and randomly distribution in larger scales. Population 3 indicated changes from aggre gated distribution to randomly distribution and then converted to aggregate distribution with development of scales. (3)Seedling, small tree and medium tree of population 2 showed aggregate distribution in a smallscale and more randomly distribution in a larger scales. Small tree of population 3 showed both aggregated distribution and randomly distribution and medium tree and old tree displayed aggregate distribution in all scales. The degree of aggregation of population 4 reduced gradually with progress of growth stages. (4)Dif ferent growth stages of 4 populations showed significantly or close positive correlation. Intraspecific compe tition is weak which had advantages of population maintain.



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