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新疆科克苏湿地自然保护区维管束植物区系     被引量:8

Study on the Floras of Vascular Plants in the Koksu Wetland Nature Reserve in Xinjiang



英文题名:Study on the Floras of Vascular Plants in the Koksu Wetland Nature Reserve in Xinjiang

作者:成克武[1] 臧润国[2] 张炜银[2] 白志强[3] 张毓涛[3] 郭仲军[3]








外文期刊名:Arid Zone Research





外文关键词:flora; Koksu Wetland Nature Reserve; vascular plant; seed plant.


Located in the piedmont desert plain of the Altay Mountains, the Koksu Wetland Nature Reserve (47°38'-47°43'N, 87°28'-87°30'E, 476-496 m a. s. 1., 3.1 × 10^4 hm^2 in area) is an important desert wetland in northwest China, where the annual and the extremely maximum and minimum temperatures are 4.0 ℃, 39.5 ℃ and - 46.7 ℃ respectively, the annual accumulated temperature -10 ℃is 2 794.7 ℃, and the annual sunshine duration varies in a range of 2 825-2 960 hours; the annual precipitation and evaporation are 112.6 mm and about 2 000 mm respectively; in average, the frost-free period is from September 29 to May3; the soils including brown soil, meadow soil, aeolian sand soil, damp soil and bog soil change with the moisture and vegetation conditions. According to our preliminary statistics, there are 551 vascular plant species in 259 genera and 65 families in the Koksu Wetland Nature Reserve, and the plant species are much more abundant compared with that in other desert regions in northwest China. The composition of vascular plants in the Koksu Wetland Nature Reserve is dominated by depauperate families and endemic families, and their proportion is as high as 66.2% of the total, whereas the proportion of the large families containing more than 15 species in each family, such as Asteraeeae and Gramineae, accounts only for 15.4 % of the total, but the proportion of their species occupies 63 % of the total. The genus composition of vascular plants in the nature reserve is dominated by small genera and endemic genera, their proportion accounts for 94.6% of the total. The dominant life forms of vascular plants are mainly geophytes and therophytes, their proportions are 40.1% and 35.8 % respectively, and such composition is closely related to the environmental conditions in the nature reserve. The seed plants belong to 11 types of distribution areas and are dominated by the north temperate, Mediterranean, West Asian, Central Asian and Old World temperate elements.



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