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41个薄壳山核桃品种果实营养成分与脂肪酸组成的比较分析     被引量:22

A Comparative Analysis of Nutritional Components and Fatty Acid Composition of 41 Pecan Varieties



英文题名:A Comparative Analysis of Nutritional Components and Fatty Acid Composition of 41 Pecan Varieties

作者:常君[1] 任华东[1] 姚小华[1] 杨水平[2] 张潇丹[2] 张成才[1] 王开良[1]












外文关键词:pecan(Carya illinoensis);nutrient composition;fatty acid;correlation


The nutrient components,fatty acid composition of crude fat,protein,soluble sugar and tannin of 41 pecan(Carya illinoensis)varieties were sampled at the fruit ripening stage,and the nutrient composition and fatty acid composition and their correlation were compared and analyzed so as to provide a theoretical basis for the breeding of multi-target pecan.The results showed that there were some variations in the crude fat,protein,soluble sugar and tannin content of the kernel.The variation of the content of tannin was the highest among the accessions,followed by that of soluble sugars and protein.Crude fat content had the least inter-varietal difference.Variance analysis showed that the differences between pecan varieties tested in crude fat,protein,soluble sugar and tannin content were highly significant statistically.Pecan kernel oil consisted mainly of palmitic acid,stearic acid,oleic acid,linoleic acid,linolenic acid,arachidic acid and cis-11-eicosenoic acid.Considerable variation was detected among the tested accessions.The results of analysis of variance indicated that the mass fraction of different fatty acids showed significant or highly significant inter-varietal differences;the total relative mass fraction of saturated fatty acids was in significant or highly significant positive correlation with that of palmitic acid and stearic acid,the relative mass fraction of total unsaturated fatty acids was in a highly significant negative correlation with that of total saturated fatty acids,palmitic acid and stearic acid;and there was a highly significant negative correlation between oleic acid and palmitic acid in their relative mass fraction.In Conclusion,with the current widely-cultivated cultivar Mahan as a control,based on the comparative analysis of the nutrient components and fatty acid composition of 41 pecan varieties,Accession No.80 and other 8 accessions were selected as oil-type varieties and recommended for development and utilization on the basis of further re-selection;Accessions No.14,No.64 and No.45 were selected as high-protein husk varieties;Accession No.1 and other 11 varieties were tentatively selected as fresh-type cultivars and on the basis of comprehensive evaluation,in the future,of the amino acid composition,mineral elements,fruit traits and sensory of the seed,were recommended for further re-election and development and utilization;Accession No.51 and other 3 varieties were identified as good resources for further improvement of high-grade edible oil varieties.



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