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林木分布格局类型的角尺度均值分析方法     被引量:124

Characterizing forest spatial distribution pattern with the mean value of uniform angle index



英文题名:Characterizing forest spatial distribution pattern with the mean value of uniform angle index

作者:惠刚盈[1] K.v.Gadow[2] 胡艳波[1] 陈伯望[1]








外文期刊名:Acta Ecologica Sinica


基金:国家林业局天然林经营技术研究资助项目 ( 99-4 -18)~~



外文关键词:distribution of tree position; forest spatial structure; uniform angle index; the judgment method


摘要:空间结构是森林的重要特征 ,它反映了森林群落内物种的空间关系即林木的分布格局及其属性在空间上的排列方式。林木分布格局是种群生物学特性、种内与种间关系以及环境条件综合作用的结果 ,是种群空间属性的重要方面 ,也是种群的基本数量特征之一。角尺度是一个刻画森林空间结构的新参数 ,通过描述相邻木围绕参照树的均匀性来进行林木分布格局的判定。与其他的描述分布格局的指数相比 ,角尺度具有调查费用低、结果的体现既可用均值也可用频率分布的形式 ,对复杂结构具有很强的解析能力 ,在结构复杂天然林的可持续经营中将发挥十分重要作用。为在实践中快速准确地应用这一新的空间结构参数 ,研究分析了 2 0 0 0个模拟林分的角尺度均值 ,并用 3倍标准差原理提出了林木分布格局类型的角尺度均值评判标准 ,指出随机分布时角尺度均值范围为 [0 .4 75 ,0 .5 17],大于 0 .5 17时为团状分布 ,而小于 0 .4 75时为均匀分布。
An important characteristic of a forest ecosystem is the spatial structure. The “spatial structure” refers to the spatial relationships among different species in a forest community, to the distribution of tree positions and the spatial arrangement of their attributes. The distribution of tree positions is not only an important spatial characteristic, but also an essential quantitative quality of the population. It is determined by the combined impact of the biological characteristic of the population, the relations within the same species, the relation between different species and the environment. The uniform angle index is a new parameter for describing forest spatial structures. This variable describes the degree of spatial regularity of the neighboring trees around a given reference tree. The uniform angle index is very easy to assess in the field. More significantly, this parameter can be used to analyze complicated forest spatial structures. Both its mean value and its frequency distribution can be used in the structure analysis. Thus the uniform angle index can be used to advantage to facilitate the management of natural forests with complicated spatial structures. In this paper, the mean values of 2000 simulated forest distributions were analyzed. The critical value for the identification of tree spatial distribution pattern was discussed within the interval μ±3σ. The -value for the random case is defined by the bounds \[0.475, 0.517\]. A -value of less than 0.475 is most likely from a regular distribution, values exceeding 0.517 are most likely from a clumped distribution. The possibility to characterize the type of spatial tree distribution represents an improvement of the uniform angle index theory.



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