不同种源油蒿形态与生理特征对干旱胁迫的响应 被引量:18
Morphology and Physiology Characteristic Responses of Different Provenances of Artemisia ordosica to Drought Stress
英文题名:Morphology and Physiology Characteristic Responses of Different Provenances of Artemisia ordosica to Drought Stress
作者:王林龙[1] 李清河[1] 徐军[2] 薛海霞[1] 江泽平[1]
外文期刊名:Scientia Silvae Sinicae
外文关键词:Artemisia ordosica; provenances; drought stress; morphology; physiology; response
[ Objective ] In this study, we investigated effects of drought stress on morphology and physiology characteristics of Artemisia ordosica and compare with the drought-resistant ability of three different provenances of A. ordosica, to provide a theoretical basis for the introduction of the species to China's arid and semi-arid area. [ Method ] Three different provenances of A. ordosica were collected from Mu Us Sandy land, Kubuqi desert, and Desert-steppe transitional zone, and subjected to different soil moisture to investigate the changes of plant height, stem size, leaf area, Sla, content of Chla, Chlb, Chl(a + b) and Car, Chla/b and Car/Chl and content of starch, soluble sugars and NSC. [ Result] The response of morphology characteristics, photosynthetic pigment content, and contents of starch, soluble sugars and NSC of three different provenances of A. ordosica to drought stress was consistent. Namely, as the drought stress increased, 1 )plant height, stern diameter, leaf area and SLA, showed a trend of gradual decrease. The plant height, stem size, and leaf area of A. ordosica from Kubuqi desert were greater than those from Mu Us Sandy land and Desert-steppe transitional zone under the severe drought stress. However Sla of the provenance from Kubuqi desert was less than that from Mu Us Sandy land and Desert-steppe transitional zone. 2)Chla,Chlb,Chl(a+b),and Car contents、Chla/b and Car/Chl of A. ordosica leaves showed a trend of first increase and then decrease under drought stress. Contents of Chla,Chlb,Chl( a+b) of A. ordosica leaves from Kubuqi desert were higher than A. ordosica from Mu Us Sandy land and Desert-steppe transitional zone under the severe drought stress. However there were no significant differences in contents of Car and Car/Chl of the three different provenances. The Chla/b of A. ordosica from Desert-steppe transitional zone was greatest,followed by that from Mu Us Sandy land,and then by that from Kubuqi desert. 3 ) Contents of starch,soluble sugars and NSC of three different provenances leaves showed a trend of first decrease and then increase. Contents of starch,soluble sugars and NSC of A. ordosica from Desert-steppe transitional zone were higher than A. ordosica from Kubuqi desert and Mu Us Sandy land under severe drought stress,and contents of starch,soluble sugars and NSC of A. ordosica from Kubuqi desert were higher than those of A. ordosica from Mu Us Sandy land. Contents of starch,soluble sugars and NSC of A. ordosica from Kubuqi desert were higher than those of A. ordosica from Mu Us Sandy land and Desert-steppe transitional zone under slight drought stress.[Conclusion]Through the comparison of morphology and physiology characteristics of three different provenances of A. ordosica,we find that the drought resistance of A. ordosica from Kubuqi desert is stronger than A. ordosica from Mu Us Sandy land and Desert-steppe transitional zone.