基于MaxEnt模型的天然元宝枫在我国的适生区区划及合理性分析 ( EI收录)
Regionalization and Rationality Analysis of Natural Acer truncatum in China Based on MaxEnt Model
英文题名:Regionalization and Rationality Analysis of Natural Acer truncatum in China Based on MaxEnt Model
作者:刘怡彤[1,2] 郭慧[1] 裴顺祥[1] 吴莎[1] 吴迪[1] 辛学兵[1]
外文期刊名:Scientia Silvae Sinicae
外文关键词:Acer truncatum;MaxEnt;suitable habitat;ecological threshold
摘要:【目的】探究天然元宝枫在我国的适生区区划及生态阈值,并通过实地考察样本点对区划结果进行合理性分析,为天然元宝枫人工栽培合理选址、天然种质资源调查和保护、优良品种选育提供理论依据。【方法】选择经筛选得到的138个天然元宝枫代表性样本点数据,结合15个生态因子,基于MaxEnt模型,采用刀切法分析影响天然元宝枫分布的主要生态因子及阈值范围,结合GIS模拟天然元宝枫在我国的适生区区划,运用受试者工作特征曲线评估模型结果,评估后实地考察样本点,对区划结果进行合理性分析。【结果】(1)天然元宝枫适生区区划结果的ROC曲线训练集和测试集AUC分别为0.968和0.947;(2)影响天然元宝枫适生区范围的主要生态因子为最干季平均温度、最湿季降水量、海拔、最干季降水量和年平均温度,累计贡献率达82.80%,土壤因子对天然元宝枫的分布影响较小;天然元宝枫适宜在最干季平均温度?12.50~3.82℃、最湿季降水量230~547 mm、海拔0~1465 m、最干季降水量5~53 mm和年平均温度4.04~15.41℃的区域生长;(3)天然元宝枫的主要适生区跨越34°—46°N,108°—126°E,集中分布在内蒙古、陕西、河北、吉林、山西、辽宁、山东、河南和甘肃等省(区、市),面积约1642247 km^(2),占全国陆地总面积的17.11%,其中,高适生区主要位于河北、辽宁和山东,面积约277792 km^(2),占全国适生区总面积的16.92%;(4)通过实地考察样本点对天然元宝枫适生区区划合理性进行分析,天然元宝枫的总体区划精度为0.82,Kappa系数为0.61。【结论】天然元宝枫适生区广泛分布在我国华北地区和东北、西北的部分地区,生物气候因子和海拔因子是天然元宝枫在我国境内生长的主要限制生态因子。本研究模拟的天然元宝枫适生区区划结果能够较好反映天然元宝枫的空间分布特征,为充分利用天然元宝枫资源、实现元宝枫经济价值最大化提供理论依据。
【Objective】This paper probes into the suitable area zoning and ecological threshold of natural Acer truncatum,and analyzes the rationality of the zoning results through field investigation of the sample points,providing theoretical basis for the reasonable location of artificial cultivation of natural Acer truncatum,the investigation and protection of natural germplasm resources,and the selection and breeding of excellent varieties.【Method】Based on 138 selected representative sample points,combined with 15 ecological factors,the MaxEnt model was applied to analyze the main ecological factors and threshold range affecting the distribution of natural Acer truncatum by knife cutting method.Then,the model results were evaluated by using the GIS simulation of the suitable area division in China and the subject work characteristic curve.After the evaluation,the sample points were investigated on the spot,and the rationality analysis was carried out on the zoning results.【Result】(1)The ROC curve training set and test set AUC values of the regionalization results of the suitable areas of natural Acer truncatum were 0.968 and 0.947.(2)The main ecological factors affecting the range of suitable areas of the natural Acer truncatum were average temperature in the driest season,precipitation in the wettest season,altitude,precipitation in the driest season and average annual temperature,with a cumulative contribution rate of 82.80%,and soil factors had little effect on the distribution of the natural Acer truncatum.It is suitable to grow in areas with average temperature of?12.50–3.82℃in the driest season,precipitation of 230–547 mm in the wettest season,altitude of 0–1465 m,precipitation of 5–53 mm in the driest season and average annual temperature of 4.04–15.41℃.(3)The main habitat area of the natural Acer truncatum spans 34°—46°N,108°—126°E,and concentrated in Inner Mongolia,Shaanxi,Hebei,Jilin,Shanxi,Liaoning,Shandong,Henan,Gansu and other provinces(autonomous regionsand municipalities),with an area of about 1642247 km2,accounting for 17.11%of the total land area of China.Among them,the high suitability areas are mainly located in Hebei,Liaoning and Shandong,with an area of 277792 km2,accounting for 16.92%of the total suitability areas in China.(4)The rationality of regionalization of suitable area was analyzed through field investigation of sample points.The overall regionalization accuracy of natural Acer truncatum was 0.82,and the Kappa coefficient was 0.61.【Conclusion】The suitable areas of the natural Acer truncatum are widely distributed in north China and parts of northeast and northwest China.Bioclimatic factors and altitude factors are the main limiting ecological factors for the growth of the natural Acer truncatum in China.In this study,the simulated zoning results of the suitable area of the natural Acer truncatum can reflect the spatial distribution characteristics of the natural Acer truncatum,and provide a theoretical basis for making full use of the natural resources and maximizing the economic value of the natural Acer truncatum.