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毛竹冬笋微量元素吸收与积累规律     被引量:1

Absorption and Accumulation Rules of Trace Elements in Winter Shoot of Phyllostachys edulis



英文题名:Absorption and Accumulation Rules of Trace Elements in Winter Shoot of Phyllostachys edulis

作者:苏文会[1] 封焕英[2] 范少辉[1] 曾宪礼[1] 刘广路[1]








外文期刊名:Chinese Journal of Tropical Crops





外文关键词:Phyllostachys edulis; winter shoot; Fe; Mn; Cu; Zn; accumulation


摘要:为深入认识冬笋不同生长时期养分积累与毛竹生产力的内在关系,本文采用固定样方全收获法,研究了冬笋生长初期、中期、后期笋体(笋箨、笋肉)中Fe、Mn、Cu、Zn四种元素的吸收与积累特性,建立了4种元素积累量(Y,g)与笋高(H,cm)、笋径(d,cm)的相关模型。结果表明:Fe、Mn、Cu、Zn随冬笋生长表现出不同的积累特征,其中Fe和Mn在冬笋生长各个时期的含量均高于Cu和Zn;林分冬笋的积累表现为,Mn在整个生长期内的积累量呈递增趋势;Zn在初、中期的积累较为平缓,后期迅速增大;Fe和Cu表现为中期增长比例较小。Fe、Mn、Cu、Zn至冬笋生长末期积累量分别达37.17、24.53、0.71、7.49 g/hm2,在冬笋不同生长时期的积累量(Y)与笋高(H)、笋径(d)相关模型的决定系数(R2)为0.85~0.95,H、d、Y存在较高的相关性;冬笋生长期内,Mn吸收积累速度持续加快,Fe、Zn和Cu的吸收主要集中在生长后期。
In this paper, four main trace elements(Fe, Mn, Cu and Zn) absorption and accumulation characteristic for winter shoots of P. edulis were studied in early, mid and late growing period, and regression models between Fe, Mn, Cu and Zn accumulation(Y, g) and shoot height(H, cm) and diameter(d, cm) were established in each growing period to better understanding the interrelations between nutrient accumulation and yield capacity in the whole growing period of winter shoots. The datas were got through full harvest method of winter shoots on fixed samples. The results showed that the accumulation characteristic had different from Fe, Mn, Cu and Zn with the growth of winter shoot. In four trace elements, Fe and Mn content were significantly higher than that of Zn and Cu in each growing period of winter shoots. In stand scale, Mn in winter shoots accumulated faster gradually, and Zn accumulation in early and mid period was gentle, but rapidly increased in the late. However, Fe and Cu accumulation showed a smaller proportion in mid growing period. In the late growing period of winter shoots, Fe,Mn, Cu and Zn accumulation had reached 37.17, 24.53, 0.71、 7.49 g/hm2. The coefficient of determination of model in Fe, Mn, Cu and Zn accumulation(Y, g) in single winter shoot for each growing period to shoot height(H, cm)and diameter( d, cm) was 0.85 ~0.95, indicating the high correlation H and d with Y. As shoots growing,absorption and accumulation speed of Mn increased continuously, while Fe, Zn and Cu absorption was mainly concentrated in the late growing period. The results could provide theoretical guidance for nutrient management of P. edulis in winter shoot growing period.



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