1950—2010年中国森林火灾时空特征及风险分析 被引量:108
Temporal and Spatial Characteristics and Risk Analysis of Forest Fires in China from 1950 to 2010
英文题名:Temporal and Spatial Characteristics and Risk Analysis of Forest Fires in China from 1950 to 2010
外文期刊名:Scientia Silvae Sinicae
外文关键词:forest fire; temporal and spatial distribution; risk analysis; scientific prevention and control
摘要:【目的】开展森林火灾时空特征和风险分析,有利于把握森林火灾发生规律,为预测和防治森林火灾、制定差异化森林火灾财政补贴和保险政策提供科学依据。【方法】根据年鉴数据,借助主成分分析、聚类分析和信息扩散理论,对我国1950—2010年森林火灾的时空分布特征和风险状况进行研究,全面分析森林火灾发生的时空特征,结合灾情指标对全国各省进行评价并分类,并定量分析风险水平。【结果】1)1950—2010年间,年均发生火灾12 683次,年均火场面积67.48万hm2,年均火灾次数和火场面积均呈下降趋势;1988—2010年间年均成灾面积7.95万hm2,总体表现为上升趋势;1988—2010年间年均成林蓄积损失167.5万m3,没有明显年际变化;1988—2010年间年均伤亡214人,总体呈波浪式下降趋势。2)人为火源占已查明火源的80%以上,烧荒烧炭是最主要的生产性用火火源(38.47%),上坟烧纸是最主要的非生产性用火火源(19.92%)。3)华东、西南地区相比于其他地区火灾次数明显较大,东北地区火场面积明显较大。4)按照一般和较大火灾次数、重大和特大火灾次数、火场面积、受害森林面积、成林蓄积、幼林株数、受伤人数、死亡人数8个指标,通过主成分分析对31个省(区、市)的火灾状况进行评价并排序,然后根据主成分得出的综合得分进行聚类分析,根据受灾程度将31个省区按照严重、较重、中度、一般和轻度分为5类,其中,湖南受灾最严重,其次是黑龙江、贵州和云南等。5)基于信息扩散理论进行森林火灾风险分析,全国每年发生3 000~9 000次一般和较大火灾的概率较大(〉0.482 4),每年发生0~30次重大和特大火灾概率较大(〉0.430 2),每年受灾森林面积在15万hm2以下概率较大(〉0.407 2)。【结论】我国森林火灾频发、面积大,火灾高发与气候变化息息相关。引发森林火灾的主要原因是人为火源,必须严格控制和管理野外火源,规范生产、生活用火行为。森林火灾具有显著的区域性特征,我国森林资源面临的火灾风险压力较大。建议在准确把握全国森林火灾时空分布特征和风险基础上,加强宣传教育,采取科学的森林防火、预报、监测措施,制定合理的森林火灾财政补贴和森林保险政策,维护森林健康和国家生态安全。
【Objective】Forest fires cause heavy loss to forest resources and society and economy and directly imperil the sustainable development of forestry and national ecological security. Study on the temporal and spatial distribution of forest fires and their risk analyses were helpful to understand the law of forest fires,to provide a scientific basis for forecasting,preventing forest fires and establishing different fiscal subsidy and insurance policies. The study is important to promote forest sustainable development and to maintain the national ecological safety. 【Method 】In order to find out the basic situation of forest fires in China,the forest fire temporal and spatial distribution characteristics and risk analysis were studied based on the yearbook data from 1950 to 2010 and by means of principal component analysis,cluster analysis and information diffusion theory. The temporal and spatial characteristics of forest fires in each province were comprehensively analyzed conducted,and further evaluated and classified by innovatively combining the disaster index. The fire risk level was quantitatively analyzed to provide scientific basis for forest fire prediction and prevention,to establish the fiscalsubsidy policy,and to provide the basic support to forest safety risk prevention and risk decision. 【Result 】1) nnual average fire number was 12 683 times and burned an area of 674 800 hm2 per year from 1950 to 2010,and the annual average fire number and the burned area showed a downward trend. Average annual fire-caused disastrous area was 79 500hm2 and showed an increase trend overall from 1988 to 2010; Annual average stand volume loss was 1. 675 million m3from1988 to 2010 without obvious year-to-year variations; Annual average casualties was 214 people from 1988 to 2010 and showed overall a downward trend. 2) Human-caused fires accounted for more than 80% of the identified fires. Burning grass on waster land and burning charcoal were one of the main productive causes( 38. 47%),and sacrificial fires at graves were the main non-productive( 19. 92%). 3) Fire number in Eastern China and Southwestern China was significantly more than the other regions in China,while the burned area was significantly larger in Northeastern China than that in the other regions in China. 4) According to parameters of the general and large fire number,the major and catastrophic fire number,the burned area,the disastrous area,the stand volume loss,the young stand loss,and the casualties,this paper evaluated the fire situation in 31 provinces( The data of Hongkong,Macao and Taiwan are not included) using PCA and ranked them. Then the cluster analysis was conducted with comprehensive scores obtained by PCA. The 31 provinces were divided into 5 types: serious,heavy,moderate,general and light,and Hunan was most serious and followed by Heilongjiang,Guizhou and Yunnan. 5) With the information diffusion theory,the occurrence probability of general and large fire number in 3 000- 9 000 was( 0. 482 4),the major and catastrophic fire number in 0- 30 was( 0. 430 2) and the disastrous area under 150 000 hm2was( 0. 407 2). 【Conclusion】Frequent forest fires,large area in China were closely linked with climate change. The main reason causing the forest fire was man-made fire,and we must strictly control and manage field fire sources,and regulated productive and life fire-used behavior.Forest fires were with obvious regional feature and fire risk pressure was high in China. According to the results,it is suggested that it is important to strengthen the propaganda and education,take scientific measures for preventing,predicting and monitoring forest fires,establish reasonable fiscal subsidies and forest fire insurance policy,and maintain the forest health and national ecological security based on the accurate grasp of the national forest fires distribution and risk.