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乌兰布和沙漠绿洲3种杨树比叶面积和叶干物质含量研究     被引量:28

Specific Leaf Area and Leaf Dry Matter Content of Three Kinds of Poplar in Ulan Buh Desert Oasis



英文题名:Specific Leaf Area and Leaf Dry Matter Content of Three Kinds of Poplar in Ulan Buh Desert Oasis

作者:高君亮[1,2,3] 罗凤敏[1,3] 赵英铭[1,2,3] 张景波[1,2,3] 原伟杰[4] 孙非[1,3] 郝玉光[1,3]








外文期刊名:Journal of Northwest Forestry University





外文关键词:specific leaf area; leaf dry matter content; adaptability; poplar; Ulan Buh Desert Oasis


摘要:比叶面积(SLA)和叶干物质含量(LDMC)综合反映了植物利用自然资源的能力,也体现了植物对环境的适应性。以乌兰布和沙漠绿洲防护林体系3种杨树(新疆杨、二白杨和小叶杨)为研究对象,通过测定叶面积、叶饱和鲜重及干重,计算了SLA和LDMC,探讨了3种杨树的生态适应性。结果表明:3种杨树叶面积和叶重之间均为极显著线性相关关系(p<0.000 1),可用叶面积与叶重的关系式来推算叶面积。其中,用叶面积与叶饱和鲜重的关系式推算的叶面积数据准确度更高。3种杨树的SLA、LDMC均存在极显著差异(p<0.0001),新疆杨、二白杨、小叶杨的SLA和LDMC分别为(9.955±2.574)m^2·kg^(-1)和(420.38±68.046)mg·g^(-1),(12.964±2.465)m^2·kg^(-1)和(301.017±32.647)mg·g^(-1),(16.462±6.286)m^2·kg^(-1)和(287.678±72.055)mg·g^(-1)。SLA和LDMC之间呈极显著负相关关系(p<0.0001),可用幂函数y=ax^(-b)来表述。SLA和LDMC较好地反映了3种杨树对乌兰布和沙漠贫瘠与干旱环境的适应能力,新疆杨的适应性优于二白杨和小叶杨,建议今后该区域防护林更新与重建过程中应适当加大新疆杨的数量比例。
The specific leaf area (SLA) and leaf dry matter content (LMDC) can be used to reflect the abili- ty of natural resource utilization and the adaptation to environment of plants. Three poplar species (Popu- lus alba vat. pyramidalis Bge. ,P. gansuensis C. Wang et H. L. Yang and P. simonii Carr. ) of oasis protec- tion forest system in Ulan Buh Desert were selected as the research object. The environment adaptation of the three poplar species was discussed with SLA and LDMC which were calculated through the measure- ment of leaf area (LA) ,saturated wet leaf weight and dry leaf weight. The results showed that the LA of three poplar species were significantly and linearly related to their leaf weights (p〈0. 000 1) ,the LA could be calculated by the leaf weight. The LA calculated by saturated wet leaf weight showed greater accuracy than that of dry leaf weight. There were significant differences in SLA as well as LDMC (p〈0. 000 1)among the three species. The SLA and LDMC of P. alba var. were (9. 955±2. 574)m2 ·kg^-1 and (420.38±68. 046)mg. g pyramidalis, P. gansuensis and P. simonii 1,(12. 964±2. 465)m2 ·kg^-1 and (301. 017 ±32. 647)mg ·g^-1 ,(16. 462±6. 286)m2 ·kg^-1 and (287. 678±72. 055)mg · g^-1 ,respectively. The SLA was significantly and negatively related to the LDMC (p〈0. 000 1) ,which could be expressed by the form of power function y=ax^-b. The adaptability to the infertility and drought was well reflected by SLA and LDMC. The adaptability of P. alba var. pyramidalis was higher than the two others, so the proportion of P. alba var. pyramidalis in the regeneration and restoration of protection forest should be increased in U- lan Buh Desert.



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