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黄土高原刺槐人工林立地指数变化及评价  ( EI收录)  

Variation and Evaluation of Site Index of Black Locust Plantations on the Loess Plateau of Northwest China



英文题名:Variation and Evaluation of Site Index of Black Locust Plantations on the Loess Plateau of Northwest China

作者:李平平[1,2] 王彦辉[2] 段文标[1] 王依瑞[1,2] 于澎涛[2] 甄理[1,2] 李志鑫[3] 尚会军[3] 史再军[3] 于艺鹏[2]








外文期刊名:Scientia Silvae Sinicae





外文关键词:black locust plantations;site index;coupling model;growth zoning;average height of dominant trees;Loess Plateau


摘要:【目的】在黄土高原研究刺槐人工林优势木平均高及立地指数(基准林龄15年时优势木平均高)对气候和立地因子的响应,建立模型评价立地质量。【方法】对样地调查及文献搜集数据,用外包线法确定优势木平均高的单因子响应规律和适宜函数形式,然后建立多因子耦合模型并用实测数据率定,籍此评价立地指数空间差异。【结果】地形部位对优势木平均高的影响差异较大,相对得分表现为沟底1.000>塬面0.906>梁坡下部0.837>梁坡中部0.438>沟坡0.210>梁坡上部0.176>梁峁顶0.000。当年均降水量小于550 mm时,优势木平均高随年均降水量升高快速增加,之后渐趋平缓;优势木平均高随年均气温升高呈先增后减,最适范围是7.5~11.0℃。建立了耦合气候和立地因子影响的优势木平均高模型,拟合度较好(R^(2)=0.72)。依据对优势木平均高的影响,将年均气温和降水量都分为4级(<6.0℃,太冷,不能生长;6.0~7.5℃,冷,不宜或较宜生长;7.5~11.0℃,温,最宜生长;>11.0℃,暖,较宜或不宜生长。<400 mm,太旱,不能生长;400~450 mm,旱,不宜生长;450~550 mm,润,较宜生长;>550 mm,湿,最宜生长),据此确定了黄土高原不能刺槐造林的区域,提出了可刺槐造林区域的气候分区,其中温湿区、温润区、暖湿区和温旱区的平均立地指数均为中等或以上(>7.5 m),宜于刺槐生长;但冷旱/润区和暖润区立地较差,整体不宜刺槐生长。对各气候分区,计算了各立地类型(地形部位与坡向的组合)的立地指数,评价了立地质量。【结论】黄土高原刺槐人工林的立地指数同时受气候和立地因子影响。综合考虑这些影响的气候分区和立地评价可以指导精细的刺槐造林立地选择和林分科学经营。
【Objective】The response of average height of dominant trees and site index(the average height of dominant trees with a baseline forest age of 15 years)of black locust(Robinia pseudoacacia)plantations to climatic and site factors was studied on the Loess Plateau,for establishing a model to evaluate site quality.【Method】Based on the survey of sample plots and collected literature data,the single factor response law and appropriate form of response function of the average height of dominant trees were determined using the envelope method,and then a model was established by coupling multiple factors and calibrated with the measured data to evaluate the spatial difference in site index.【Result】The impact of topography positions on the average height of dominant trees varied greatly,with a relative score of:gully bottom 1.000>tableland 0.906>lower part of ridge slope 0.837>middle part of ridge slope 0.438>gully slope 0.210>upper part of ridge slope 0.176>hilly top 0.000.Within the variation range of mean annual precipitation(MAP)below 550 mm,the average height of dominant trees increased with rising MAP rapidly,and thereafter gradually tended to level-off;the average height of dominant trees increased first and then decreased with rising mean annual air temperature(MAT),with an optimal range of 7.5–11.0℃.The model of average height of dominant trees was established by coupling the effects of climatic and site factors,with a satisfactory fitness(R^(2)=0.72).According to the effects on the average height of dominant trees,both MAT and MAP on the Loess Plateau were divided into four levels(<6.0℃,too cold to grow;6.0–7.5℃,cold and not suitable or relatively suitable for growth;7.5–11.0℃,mild and the most suitable for growth;>11.0℃,warm and relatively suitable or not suitable for growth.<400 mm,too dry to grow;400–450 mm,dry and not suitable for growth;450–550 mm,moist and more suitable for growth;>550 mm,wet and the most suitable for growth).Then,the areas where black locust afforestation cannot be carried out on the Loess Plateau were determined,and the climate zoning of the rest areas where black locust afforestation can be carried out was proposed.The mild-wet,mild-moist,warm-wet and mild-dry subzones are suitable for black locust growth with an average site index of medium or higher classes(>7.5 m);while the cold-dry/moist and warm-moist subzones are not suitable for black locust growth as a whole.The site index of all site types in each subzone was calculated using fitted model for evaluating the site quality.【Conclusion】The site index of black locust plantations on the Loess Plateau is affected by both climatic and site factors.The climatic zoning and site assessment with site index considering these effects can guide the refined site selection for afforestation and rational management of black locust plantations on the Loess Plateau.



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