江淮分水岭落叶阔叶林林窗光环境特征及其对绞股蓝生长特性的影响 被引量:24
Light environment characteristics of forest gap in deciduous broad leaved forest and its effects on growth features of Gynostemma pentaphyllum in Jianghuai watershed.
英文题名:Light environment characteristics of forest gap in deciduous broad leaved forest and its effects on growth features of Gynostemma pentaphyllum in Jianghuai watershed.
作者:韦朝领[1] 孙启祥[2] 彭镇华[2] 闫大玮[1]
外文期刊名:Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology
基金:国家"十五"重大资助项目 ( 2 0 0 2BA5 16A17E)
外文关键词:Jianghuai watershed, Deciduous broad leaved forest, Forest gap, Light environments, Gynostemma pentaphyllum .
摘要:根据对江淮分水岭地区落叶阔叶林 (枫香 ,Liquidambarformosana)林窗与林下入射光的总光照强度、不同波段的光照强度和光谱成分的比较分析 ,以及相应生境下绞股蓝 (Gynostemmapentaphyllum)生长特性和总皂甙含量的对比研究 ,结果表明 ,林窗入射光全波长的日总光照强度、蓝光 (4 0 0~ 5 10nm)、黄绿光 (5 10~ 6 10nm)、红橙光 (6 10~ 72 0nm)和近红外光 (72 0~ 110 0nm)的光强 ,以及除近红外光以外的其余色光光谱成分均高于林下 ,其中蓝光和红橙光的光照强度及其光谱成分比其它色光明显高于林下 ,且幅度有季节性差异 .在 4、7和 10月份 ,林窗中的蓝光相对光照强度分别高于林下 8.32 %~ 2 8.83%、30 .0 0 %~ 5 79.17%和 6 .70 %~ 88.74 % ,红橙光分别高出 8.72 %~ 2 8.83%、30 .19%~ 5 0 2 .6 9%和 6 .76 %~ 91.5 7% ,蓝光光谱成分分别比林下增加了 5 .76 %、33.14 %和 17.2 9% ,红橙光分别比林下增加了5 .0 4 %、5 3.34%和 10 .2 3% .林窗下的绞股蓝净光合速率、总干物质重和总皂甙含量皆高于林下 ;同时林窗的光环境使干物质向茎分配比例增大 ,且这些差异有明显的季节性 .
The daily total light intensity, various wave band light intensities, spectrum composition, and the growth characteristics and total saponia content of Gynostemma pentaphyllum in forest gap and under forest were studied in deciduous forest ( Liquidambar formosana ) in Jianghuai watershed. The results showed that the intensities of full wavelength daily total light, blue light(400~510 nm), yellow green light(510~610 nm), red orange light (610~720 nm)and near infrared light(720~1100 nm) in forest gap were higher than those under forest.The intensities and spectra compositions of blue light and red orange light in forest gaps were significantly higher than those under forest. Additionally, the differences between those in forest gap and under forest varied seasonally. The relative intensity of blue light in April, July and October in forest gap was 8.32%~28.83%,30.00%~579.17% and 6.70%~88.74% more than those under forest,respectively,and that of red orange light in April, July and October in forest gap was 8.72%~28.83%,30.19%~502.69%,6.76%~91.57% more than those under forest,respectively.The spectrum composition of blue light in forest gap in these 3 months was 5.76%,33.14% and 17.29% higher than those under forest,respectively, and that of red orange light in forest gap in these 3 months was 5.04%,53.34% and 10.23% higher than those under forest,respectively. The net photosynthetic rate, total dry matter weight, and total saponia content of Gynostemma pentaphyllum growing in forest gap were higher than those under forest. Gynostemma pentaphyllum growing in forest gap had more dry matter distributed in stem.The results could be available to utilize the light environment of deciduous broad leaved forest and further building comprehensive management model of Gynostemma pentaphyllum in Jianghuai watershed zone.