林龄对高寒沙地乌柳光合特性的影响 被引量:9
Effect of Stand Age on Photosynthetic Characteristics of Salix cheilophila in Alpine-Cold Sandland
英文题名:Effect of Stand Age on Photosynthetic Characteristics of Salix cheilophila in Alpine-Cold Sandland
作者:刘海涛[1] 贾志清[1] 朱雅娟[1] 于洋[1] 李清雪[1]
外文期刊名:Journal of Northeast Forestry University
外文关键词:Gongh basin; Salix cheilophila; Stancl ages; Photosynthetic characteristics; Chlorophyll fluorescence
An experiment was conducted to study the photosynthetic and fluorescence parameters of Salix cheilophila under field condition using the Li-6400 portable photosynthesis system and PAM-2100 portable fluorescence system in order to find out the differences in photosynthesis of 37-, 25-, 11 - and 4-year-old S. cheilophila in alpine sandy land of Gonghe basin. Resuits revealed that S. cheilophila of four stand ages showed different diurnal courses of gas exchange. The diurnal fluctuations of net photosynthetic rate ( P, ) of 37- and 25-year-old S. cheilophila could be represented by a bimodal curve, indi- cating midday depression of photosynthesis, while those of 11- and 4-year-old S. cheilophila could be diseribed by a unimodal curve. P, and transpiration rate ( Tr) of 11- and 25-year-old S. cheilophila were significantly higher than those of 4- and 37-year-old S. cheilophila, while water use efficiency ( WUEt ) of 4- and 37-year-old S. cheilophila was significantly higher than that of S. cheilophila of other three stand ages. The fitting effects of Miehaelis-Menten equation on the light-response parameters and CO2 response parameters were very well. The initial quantum yield (or) of 1 l-year-old S. cheilophila was significantly higher than that of S. cheilophila of other three stand ages, and photosynthetic capacities (Am,, ) of 11- and 25-year-old S. cheilophila were significantly higher than those of 4- and 37-year-old S. cheilophila, while the dark respiratory rates ( Rd ) were significantly lower than those of 4- and 37-year-old S. cheilophila. Meanwhile, the actual photocbemieal quantum efiieiency (PSll) and photochemical quenching coefficient (qr) of 11- and 25-year-old S. cheilophila were significantly higher than those of 4-year-old S. cheilophila, while the non-photochemical quenching coefficient (NPQ) of 4-year-old S. cheilophila was significantly higher than that of S. cheilophila of other three stand ages. NPQ of 37-year-old Salix cheilophila was significantly higher than that of 11- year-old S. cheilophila. The photosynthetic capacity of S. cheilophila shows significant changes with the increase of stand age, and S. cheilophila of different stand ages in dif- ferent developmental stages adopts various ecological adaptive strategies.