英文题名:Family Behavior of Siberian Crane during Winter in Poyang Lake
作者:张琼[1] 钱法文[1]
外文期刊名:Chinese Journal of Zoology
外文关键词:Siberian Crane ( Grus leucogeranus) ; Family behavior; Gender difference ; Feed ; Time budget ; Poyang Lake
摘要:2012年11月至2013年3月,采用焦点取样法,对在江西鄱阳湖国家级自然保护区内越冬的白鹤(Grus leucogeranus)家庭行为进行了研究。结果表明,以家庭为活动单位的白鹤群,成年白鹤活动时间分配比例为:取食80.9%、警戒10.5%、理羽4.0%、游走3.9%、其他0.7%;越冬早期,成年f1鸬游走行为的日节律呈现早、晚高,中午低,低谷在10:30~12:30时;越冬晚期,13:00~14:00时出现明显的取食低谷及警戒、游走和理羽的高峰;而越冬早期、中期的理羽高峰出现在14:00~15:00时;成年白鹤雄性与雌性的活动时间分配比例差异不显著;越冬期早、中、晚三个时期,成年白鹤的警戒(F=3.45,P=0.040)、理羽(F=6.99,P=0.001)及游走(F=7.79,P=0.001)行为比例差异显著。幼鹤活动时间分配比例与成年白鹤差异非常显著。幼鹤活动时间分配比例为:取食66.2%、乞食14.0%、警戒3.7%、理羽5.4%、游走3.6%、其他7.1%。雄性成鹤对幼鹤的喂饲频次呈递减趋势,雌性成鹤对幼鹤的喂饲频次从11月底到12月初呈上升趋势,12月中旬以后呈递减状态。整个越冬期,雄、雌成鹤喂饲幼鹤频次无显著性别差异(P=0.340),但越冬中期(P〈0.001)及晚期(P=0.005)表现出极显著差异。随着幼鹤的成长,其活动时间节律发生较大变化;幼鹤取食行为比例明显增加,同时其乞食行为的比例显著减少,警戒行为比例显著增加。本次研究从行为学的角度展示了成年白鹤性别差异、幼鹤的生长过程及成鹤对幼鹤生长的重要性。
From November 2012 to March 2013, the family behavior of Siberian Crane (Grus leucogeranus) was studied by focused observation methods at Poyang Lake National Nature Reserve in Jiangxi Province. The results show that the adults spent 80. 9% of time budget for feeding, and alert, preening, walking, and other activities accounted for 10. 5% , 4.0% , 3.9% , 0.7% of activity duration respectively. In early wintering period, the daily activity rhythm of adult crane presented two peaks in the morning and in the afternoon of their walking behavior, with the trough at 10:30 -12:30 in the noon. In late wintering period, apparent feeding trough presented at 13:00 - 14:00 while peaks of alert, walking and preening at the same time. In early wintering and interim period, preening peak presented at 14:00 -15:00. There was not significant difference of time budget between male and female. Percentages of adult Siberian Cranes' alert (F = 3.45 ,P = 0. 040) , preening ( F = 6.99, P = 0. 001 ) and walking ( F = 7.79, P = 0. 001 ) behaviors had significant difference among three wintering periods. Nevertheless, the time budget of juvenile cranes was different with adult cranes. The time budget percentages of juveniles were feeding 66.2% , begging 14.0% , alert 3.7% , preening 5.4% , walking 3.6% , and others 7.1%. As to the frequency of feeding the juveniles, male adults decreased gradually, and the female adults increased from November to early December, then decreased since mid-December. Throughout the wintering period, the frequency of the adult males and females feeding the juveniles had no significant difference (P = 0. 340) , however, in medium (P 〈 0. 001 ) and late wintering (P = O. 005 ) periods, it showed significant difference. With the growth of the juveniles, their time budget changed greatly; the percentage of feeding was significantly increased, while their begging was reduced greatly and alert also increased. Our work showed the gender difference of the behaviour of the adult Siberian Cranes, and importance of adults feeding on the growth of juveniles.