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模拟氮沉降对低磷胁迫下3个种源木荷幼苗生长及叶片氮磷含量的影响     被引量:6

Effects of simulated N deposition on growth and Leaf N and P Content in Seedlings of Three Provenances of Schima superba under Phosphorous Deficit Stress



英文题名:Effects of simulated N deposition on growth and Leaf N and P Content in Seedlings of Three Provenances of Schima superba under Phosphorous Deficit Stress

作者:张蕊[1] 王艺[1] 金国庆[1] 周志春[1]








外文期刊名:Scientia Silvae Sinicae





外文关键词:nitrate nitrogen;ammonium nitrogen;Schima superba;provenance;nitrogen deposition;phosphorus limitation;leaf N:P ratios


摘要:【目的】讨论不同产区木荷种源在NH4+-N或NO3--N沉降下的生长表现和响应差异,揭示不同形态氮素对木荷生长发育的影响,为在大气氮沉降环境背景下,选育营养高效利用的木荷速生优质新品种提供理论依据。【方法】以木荷北缘种源区-浙江杭州种源、中部种源区-福建建瓯种源和中部靠南边缘种源区-江西信丰种源3个有代表性的木荷种源作为试验材料,模拟不同形态氮沉降(NH4+和NO3-)增加对不同土壤磷素处理下木荷幼苗生长和叶片氮、磷元素含量的影响。盆栽试验设置土壤低磷(1.1 mg·kg-1)处理和高磷(25 mg·kg-1)对照,以人为喷施NH4Cl和Na NO3溶液进行氮沉降模拟,分别设置3个氮沉降量水平:0,80和200 kg·N·hm-2·a-1,试验按完全随机区组设计,每种源每处理重复12株苗。2013年11月收获,测定苗高、地径等生长指标,并分别测定根、茎、叶各部分干物质量和磷、氮含量。【结果】不同形态氮沉降对木荷苗木生长影响差异显著,磷素可提高种源间对氮素的响应差异。在低磷环境下,不同氮处理下木荷植株生物量和根冠比变异系数较大,这为氮沉降下木荷耐受型植株的选择提供了可能。低磷环境下,NO3--N对木荷苗木生长促进作用显著,苗高、地径和生物量分别较NH4+-N处理高4.5%,17.8%和75.2%,叶片氮、磷含量提高,叶片N:P比下降。NH4+-N对木荷植株的生长抑制作用较强,导致叶片磷含量下降,N:P升高,植株受到磷胁迫增强。而在高磷环境下,NH4+-N的促进作用增强,苗高、地径和生物量分别较NO3--N处理高13.5%,10.4%和25.4%。无论土壤在高磷还是低磷环境下,NO3--N降低叶片N/P比,而NH4+-N增加叶片N/P比。木荷种源间对不同形态氮沉降响应差异显著,在土壤低磷环境下,NH4+-N处理抑制了福建建瓯种源和江西信丰种源生长,生物量下降,而杭州种源却在NH4+-N80处理下,苗高和地径生长较对照分别增加19%和20%。【结论】在低磷环境下,NO3--N对木荷不同种源幼苗生长促进作用更强,而当土壤磷含量提高时,NH4+-N的促进作用增强,同时苗木生长差异增大。浙江杭州种源对NH4+-N的适应性更强,而福建建瓯和江西信丰种源则对NO3--N适应性更强。
[Objective]This paper focuses on how NH4 +-N and NO3 --N deposition impacts the growth of different provenances of Schima superba,especially in phosphorous ( P ) deficit soils. The results could formulate the breeding strategy of S. superba under N deposition.[Methods]Three representative provenances were chosen for study. These were Zhejiang Hangzhou provenance which was stand for north edge area,Fujian Jian ’ou provenance which was stand for central area, and Jiangxi Xinfeng provenance which was stand for south-central edge area. One-year-old of three provenances of S. superba seedlings grown on P-limited (1. 1 mg kg -1 ) and P-Normal soil (25 mg·kg -1 ) were treated with NaNO3 and NH4 Cl solutions at the following levels: 0,80,and 200 kg N ha -1 year -1 ,respectively. Completely randomized experimental design was conducted and twelve seedlings were contained in each provenance and treatment.The seedlings were harvest on November 2013,and the seedling characteristics and the root,steam,the leaf N and P content were measured. [Results]The results showed that the growth of S. superba was significant different with different forms of nitrogen deposition and it was enlarged by P addition. The coefficient of variation of biomass and root:aboveground mass ratio ( RAR) were greater under lower -P supply. S. superba responded positively to NO3 --N under lower-P soil and the seedling height,SBD and biomass were 4. 5 %,17. 8 % and 75. 2 % higher than that with NH4 +-N. S. superba’s leaf N and P concentrations increased with NO3 --N treatments,and the leaf N:P ratios was decreased. The NH4 +-N addition had more inhibitory impact,by decreasing leaf P content and increased the leaf N:P ratios,and made plants prone to P limitation. While in high - P soil,NH4 +-N had promotion affection. The seedling height,SBD and biomass were 13. 5 %,10. 4 % and 25. 4 % higher than with NO3 --N. Whether in low-P or in high-P treatment,NO3 --N decreased the leaf N:P ratios and NH4 +-N increased the leaf N:P ratios. There were significant differences among provenances with different forms of nitrogen deposition. Under low-P treatment,the seedling growth of Fujian Jian’ou provenance and Jiangxi Xinfeng provenance were inhibited by NH4 +-N,however,the seedling height and SBD were increased 19% and 20% respectively by NH4 +-N80. [Conclusions]NO3 --N increased the seedling of S. superba growth when soil P was lower. When soil P increased,NH4 +-N instead of the increased effect and the difference between seedlings was larger. Zhejiang Hangzhou provenance was more adaptive to NH4 +-N addition while Fujian Jianou and Jiangxi Xinfeng provenances were more adaptive to NO3 --N.



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