我国部分枣树品种(系)的枣疯病抗性鉴定 被引量:8
Resistance evaluation of a collection of Chinese jujube cultivars (line) against jujube witches’broom phytoplasma in China
英文题名:Resistance evaluation of a collection of Chinese jujube cultivars (line) against jujube witches’broom phytoplasma in China
作者:田国忠[1] 李志清[2] 胡佳续[1] 赵俊芳[2] 张兆欣[2] 谢守江[2] 王振亮[3] 张志善[4] 宋传生[1] 王东方[5] 杨春梅[5] 温秀军[3]
外文期刊名:China Forestry Science and Technology
外文关键词:Jujube witches' broom disease; Chinese jujube cultivars (line) ; grafting inoculation ; resistance ; phytoplasmadetection
The scions of various Chinese jujube cultivars and wild jujubes were collected from different geographical regions of China. The phytoplasma inoculation trials for evaluating the resistance of these cultivars were conducted by grafting healthy jujube scions onto the diseased stocks from 2009 to 2010 and investigating the symptom development as well as de- tecting phytoplasma infection using PCR techniques. The results showed that there were apparently different resistance or susceptibility among tested cultivars, which were ranked on a five-point scale of resistance according to the symptom-displa- ying time, their severity and disease rate and index on the graft-inoculated scions, 2 cultivars with the highest resistance, 4 with high resistance, 15 with general resistance, 7 with susceptibility and 6 with high susceptibility. The cultivars, 'Junzao' from Jiaocheng county and ' Hupingzao' from Tang county and Taiyuan city displayed no apparent symptom through whole growth season or displayed relatively light symptoms in the latter period post graft inoculation. A long period storage of collected scions as well as the early grafting time tends to induce symptom expression of resistant cuhivars, while the shaded scions of resistant cultivars growing under lower sunlight demonstrated severe symptoms, suggesting that the ac- tual level of resistance or susceptibility is assumed to be influenced by growing conditions or environments. The results of PCR showed that the symptom severity of inoculated scions was positively correlated with the phytoplasm concentration in the leaves, and nested PCR could well detect low concentration of phytoplasmas in the symptomless scions of resistant cuhi- vars. This resistance identification technique has advantages of having strong inoculation efficiency, rapid symptom induc- tion and simple operation over other ways, such as field exposure trials through insect vector transmission, diseased bark patch or shoot grafting onto healthy tested stocks, however there are some restraints for identifying those cultivars with gen- eral resistance, whole plant or adult tree resistance and resistance against vector.