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黄土丘陵沟壑区杏树-黄芪复合系统土壤水分效应研究  ( EI收录)   被引量:11

Soil water environment of the Prunus armeniaca-Astragalus system in hill-gully area of the Loess Plateau



英文题名:Soil water environment of the Prunus armeniaca-Astragalus system in hill-gully area of the Loess Plateau

作者:高峻[1] 张劲松[1] 孟平[1]








外文期刊名:Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering





外文关键词:hill-gully area of the loess regions ; Prunus armeniaca-Astragalus system ; soil water


摘要:以山西中阳县黄土丘陵沟壑区梯田杏树-黄芪复合系统为例,采用由烘干法测定得到的2004和2005年的土壤剖面含水率数据,结合土壤贮水量,研究果树与豆科中草药间作土壤水分效应,旨在为该地区果药复合系统优化结构配置及林业生态建设提供一定的理论依据。研究结果表明:复合系统与清耕杏园(CK)0~150 cm深土层内贮水量的年际变化趋势基本一致,且均与降雨年际变化趋势一致。2004年与2005年复合系统内0~150 cm土壤贮水量比CK的2530 mm和2494 mm分别提高387 mm和393 mm,提高了15.3%和15.8%;这种提高效应在雨季中及雨季后期尤为显著,2004年和2005年分别提高152 mm和163 mm。复合系统行间0~150 cm深土层剖面水分等值线图总体变化趋势与CK一致,但复合系统的变化梯度相对较小,剖面水分变化相对稳定。复合系统树盘内0~150 cm深土层的水分状况亦好于CK,雨季中距树干30、60 cm处平均含水率比CK分别提高2.13%~3.51%、2.08%~3.18%。杏树-黄芪复合系统有利于杏园土壤水分状况的改善。
Based on the Prunus armeniaca-Astragalus system in hill-gully area of the loess regions in Zhongyang county, Shanxi Province, the soil moisture benefits of the Prunus armeniaca-Astragalus system on the terrace field after Astragalus intercropped in Prunus armeniaca orchard two years had been studied. The soil water content and storage in the profile measured by oven dry method in 2004 and 2005. This study was intended to provide theoretical basis in forestry structure design and optimization models for fruit tree-herb system and forestry ecological construction in the region. Results show that the main yearly tendency of soil water storage within 0-150 cm sbil layer of the Prunus armeniaca-Astragalus system is similar to which of planting apricot without covering. And they are similar to the change of yearly precipitation. But the soil water storage within 150 cm soil layer of the Prunus armeniaca-Astragalus system in 2004 and 2005 is 2917 mm and 2887 mm, and higher than the planting apricot without covering 387 mm and 393 mm, respectively, about increased 15.3% and 15.8%. The effect is more significant during the main rainfall season(July-September), the soil water storage within 150 cm soil layer of the Prunus armeniaca-Astragalus system during the main rainfall season in 2004 is higher 152 mm than the planting apricot without covering, and which is 163 mm in 2005. The tendency changes of the contour map of the soil water content within 150 cm soil layer in agroforestry system is similar to the planting apricot without covering. But the grads change in agroforestry system is smaller than that in planting apricot without covering, and the soil water content is comparatively steady in profile. The 0-150 cm soil layer moisture under crown of tree of the Prunus arrneniaca-Astragalus system is also better than the planting apricot without covering. The average soil water content distanced tree 30 cm of the Prunus armeniaca-Astragalus system is higher the planting apricot without covering 2.13%-3.51%, and which is 2.08 %-3.18% of the average soil water content distanced tree 60 cm. The Prunus arrneniaca-Astragalus system can improve the soil water status of orchard.



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