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基于RSEI指数的雄安新区生态质量评价     被引量:4

Evaluation of Ecological Quality in Xiong’an New Area Based on RSEI Index



英文题名:Evaluation of Ecological Quality in Xiong’an New Area Based on RSEI Index

作者:马永康[1,2] 姜怡[1,2] 凌成星[1,2] 刘华[1,2] 赵峰[1,2] 张雨桐[1,2]








外文期刊名:Journal of Sichuan Forestry Science and Technology




外文关键词:Xiong’an New Area;RSEI index;Land use;Ecological quality


摘要:生态环境是一个地区赖以生存和发展的基础,对雄安新区生态质量监测将会是关系到区域发展的重要内容。本研究基于2013与2019的Landsat8/OLI影像,综合湿度、干度、热度、绿度等指标,通过空间主成分分析方法(Principal Component Analysis,PCA)从而达到将四个指标的主要信息集中在少量主成分上,从而构建RSEI(remote sensing ecological index,RSEI)综合指数指标,借助遥感技术手段从空间和时间角度分析雄安新区设立前后生态质量变化与变化原因,并定量讨论不同土地利用类型与RSEI指数之间的联系。结果表明:(1)绿度与湿度对生态质量起积极影响而干度与热度相反,其中干度影响力最大;(2)2013—2019年间雄安新区整体生态质量呈下降趋势;(3)统计变化区域相关情况可知,雄安新区生态质量变化程度较大区域占总面积约10%,整体生态质量变化程度不高;(4)不同土地利用类型RSEI指数取值呈现聚集分布。裸土地、建设用地分布在低值区,水域和植被分布在高值区。雄安新区设立后两年间生态质量呈下降趋势,在今后规划建设中应加大生态环境保护力度,构建科学合理空间布局,以支持雄安新区经济可持续发展,建立绿色智慧新城。
Ecological environment is the basis of a region’s survival and development,and the monitoring of ecological quality in Xiong’an New Area will be an important content related to regional development.In this research,based on Landsat8/OLI images in 2013 and 2019,combined with humidity,dryness,heat,greenness and other indicators,through the spatial principal component analysis(PCA)method,the main information of the four indicators was concentrated on a small number of principal components,thus constructing RSEI comprehensive index.By means of remote sensing technology,the changes of ecological quality and reasons of this change before and after the establishment of Xiong’an New Area were analyzed from the perspective of space and time.In addition,the relationship between different land use types and the RSEI index were discussed quantitatively.The results showed that:(1)Greenness and humidity had positive effects on ecological quality,while dryness and heat were opposite,among which dryness had the greatest influence.(2)From 2013 to 2019,the overall ecological quality of Xiong’an New Area showed a downward trend.(3)According to the statistics of regional changes,the area with relatively great change degree of ecological quality was about 10%of the total area,which indicated that the change degree of the overall ecological quality was not high.(4)The values of RSEI index of different land use types showed aggregation distribution.Bare land and construction land were distributed in low-value area,while water and vegetation were distributed in high-value area.In summary,After the establishment of,the ecological quality of Xiong’an New Area has been declining in the past two years.In the future planning and construction,we should strengthen the protection of ecological environment and build a scientific and reasonable spatial layout to support the sustainable economic development of Xiong’an New Area and build a green and intelligent new city.



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