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浙江中部城市周边生态游憩林美学质量评价——以富阳小乌坑林场为例     被引量:4

Aesthetic Quality Evaluation of Ecological Recreational Forest in Suburban Area of Cities at Middle Zhejiang:A Case Study of Xiaowukeng Forest Farm in Fuyang



英文题名:Aesthetic Quality Evaluation of Ecological Recreational Forest in Suburban Area of Cities at Middle Zhejiang:A Case Study of Xiaowukeng Forest Farm in Fuyang

作者:徐珍珍[1] 张秀卿[1] 贾娜[1] 格日乐图[2] 毛佳园[2] 史久西[2]








外文期刊名:Journal of Chinese Urban Forestry




外文关键词:in-forest landscape, recreational forest, forest aesthetics, aesthetic quality evaluation, proximity to city


Aesthetic quality of the landscape in the recreational forest, developed from ecological forest on the hills proximity to cities located at the middle Zhejiang, was evaluated by using the scenic beauty estimation (SBE) meth- od. Among the five types of forest, i. e. , evergreen broad-leaved forest, deciduous broad leaved forest, evergreendeciduous broad-leaved mixed forest, coniferous forest, mixed broadleaf-eonifer forest, a total of 48 representative communities were chosen, and triangular samples were set corresponding with the camera image principle for the mul- tiple linear regression model, which was set up through the samples measurement and images reading, to get the quantitative data including community structure. The results showed : 1 ) the SBE values of the five forest types were not significantly different, whereas they were determined by community structure factors , tree measuring factor sand space perception factors ; 2 ) the quantitative indicators were adopted to ensure that the statistical model set up was simple in form and had high precision; 3 ) the major factors affecting the landscape quality included distance of per- spective in forest, grass height in near or medium distanced landscape, species riches and the openness of front landscape, density of trees in near and medium landscape, coverage of herbage in near and medium landscape, coverage of shrub in near and medium landscape, and green rate; 4) According to the single factor curve fitting analysis on SBE-related indicators, suggestions were made to improve the forest landscape, including tree form shaping, understory layer structure regulating and visual soace oualitv ootimization.



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