排水对沼泽湿地碳通量和碳储量的影响 被引量:4
Drainage effects on carbon flux and carbon storage in swamps, marshes, and peatlands
英文题名:Drainage effects on carbon flux and carbon storage in swamps, marshes, and peatlands
作者:颜亮[1,2,3] 张骁栋[1,2,3] 王金枝[1,2,3] 李勇[1,2,3] 吴海东[1,2,3] 康晓明[1,2,3]
外文期刊名:Chinese Journal of Applied and Environmental Biology
基金:中央级公益性科研院所基本科研业务费专项资金资助项目(CA FYBB2017QA043);国家自然科学基金项目(41701113,31770511)资助~~
外文关键词:drainage;swamps;marshes and peatlands;CO2 flux;CH4 flux;vegetation carbon storage;soil carbon storage
摘要:沼泽湿地是全球重要的碳库,排水是沼泽湿地面临的主要人类活动干扰,排水后水位的改变引起沼泽湿地生态系统过程和功能的变化,进而对碳收支产生影响.基于中国知网和Web of Science数据库检索和筛选65组数据(包括25组CO2通量、18组CH4通量和22组碳储量数据),综述国内外排水对沼泽湿地碳通量和碳储量影响的研究.研究发现排水使沼泽湿地CH4与CO2通量改变,改变的幅度与湿地生态系统类型、排水时间及排水强度等因素有关.排水后CH4的排放通量降低了29%-75%.CO2通量的不同组分响应不同:排水后生态系统呼吸增加了10.9%.120%;总初级生产力的响应有很大的差异,可能升高也可能降低;净初级生产力有变化但不显著;净生态系统生产力多为显著降低,变化幅度为1.8%-290.4%.排水对碳储量的影响更间接,多数研究表明排水后土壤碳储量显著降低,植被碳储量的变化不一致,与湿地类型和排水后的利用方式有关,存在不确定性.已有研究多以某一特定排水时间或排水强度的实验研究为主,未来应加强不同排水强度对碳通量和碳储量的影响研究,研究方法上要将控制实验、野外调查与模型模拟研究相结合,以深入理解排水对湿地生态系统碳收支的影响,为湿地保护和恢复提供理论依据.
As major types of wetlands, swamps, marshes, and peatlands play important roles in the global carbon cycle. Drainage is the main source of disturbance in these wetlands, and causes water level drawdown and changes in the ecosystem carbon budget. This study aimed to review and integrate the available information on the effects of drainage on carbon flux and carbon storage in swamps, marshes, and peatlands worldwide. Based on searches of Web of Science and the China Knowledge Resource Integrated Database, we summarized a total of 65 datasets, including 25 sets of data on CO2 flux, 18 on CH4 flux, and 22 on carbon storage. This literature search showed that the CH4 flux in wetlands significantly decreased by 29%-75% after drainage, while the ecosystem respiration significantly increased by 10.9%-120%. The gross primary productivity increased or decreased after drainage. In most studies, the net ecosystem exchange significantly decreased after drainage, although with much variation (1.8%-290.4%). Compared to carbon flux, the impacts of drainage on carbon storage were indirect. Most studies found that soil organic carbon was significantly decreased after drainage, but the responses of vegetation carbon content to drainage varied. The impacts of drainage on carbon flux and storage varied with wetland type, drainage history, and the extent of water level drawdown. To provide a better theoretical basis for wetland protection and restoration, future studies should give more attention to wetlands' responses to different levels of water level drawdown, and use combinations of controlled experiments, field investigations, and ecosystem modeling methods. This should better reveal the details of how carbon flux and storage in swamps, marshes, and peatlands respond to drainage.