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7种木本油料油脂品质综合评价     被引量:24

Comprehensive evaluation on quality of oils from seven kinds of woody oilcrops



英文题名:Comprehensive evaluation on quality of oils from seven kinds of woody oilcrops

作者:陈振超[1] 倪张林[1] 莫润宏[1] 钟冬莲[1] 汤富彬[1]








外文期刊名:China Oils and Fats





外文关键词:woody oil and oilcrop;fatty acid;squalene;tocopherol;principal component analy- sis;quality evaluation


摘要:为了深入研究和开发木本油料油脂资源,选取7种木本油料油脂和4类指标(脂肪酸组成、角鲨烯、β-谷甾醇和α-生育酚)进行品质综合评价。结果表明:茶叶籽油棕榈酸含量(16. 22%)最高,油茶籽油的油酸含量(80. 55%)最高,核桃油的亚油酸含量(59. 13%)最高。国内橄榄油和进口橄榄油的脂肪酸组成非常相似;国内橄榄油、进口橄榄油和油茶籽油的饱和脂肪酸、单不饱和脂肪酸、多不饱和脂肪酸比例相近。国内橄榄油和进口橄榄油的角鲨烯含量远高于其他5种油脂,分别为4 521. 8 mg/kg和6 294. 7 mg/kg; 7种木本油料油脂β-谷甾醇含量在475. 1~2 459. 2 mg/kg之间,红松籽油中β-谷甾醇含量最高;除了核桃油,其他油样中均检测到α-生育酚;聚类分析和多维尺度分析得出国内橄榄油和进口橄榄油品质几乎没有差异;通过主成分分析,提取4种主成分,建立7种木本油料油脂品质综合评价指数并排序,为进口橄榄油>国内橄榄油>油茶籽油>茶叶籽油>香榧油>红松籽油>核桃油。
In order to further research and develop woody oil resources, oils from seven kinds of woody oilcrops and four kinds of indicators ( fatty acid composition, squalene,β- sitosterol and α - tocopherol) were selected for quality comprehensive evaluation. The results indicated that the content of palmitic acid in tea seed oil was the highest( 16.22% ). The content of oleic acid in oil - tea camellia seed oil was the highest(80.55% ). The content of linoleic acid in walnut oil was the highest, reaching 59.13%. The fatty acid compositions of domestic olive oil and imported olive oil were very similar. In addition, the ratios of SFA to MUFA to PUFA of domestic olive oil, imported olive oil and oil - tea camellia seed oil were close. The contents of squalene in domestic olive oil and imported olive oil were far higher than the other five kinds of oils, reaching 4 521.8 mg/kg and 6 294.7 mg/kg, respectively. The content of β - sitosterol in seven woody oils was between 475.1 mg/kg and 2 459.2 mg/kg, and it was the highest in Korean pine seed oil. Except for walnut oil, α - tocopherol was detected in other oil samples. Cluster analysis and multidimensional scaling analysis showed that domestic olive oil and imported olive oil almost had no difference in quality. According to the principal component analysis, four kinds of principal components were extracted and the comprehensive evaluation indexes of quality of seven kinds of woody oils were established. The sequence of seven kinds of oils from high to low was: imported olive oil, domestic olive oil, oil -tea camellia seed oil, tea seed oil, torreya seed oil, Korean pine seed oil, walnut oil.



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