不同套种模式油茶幼林水土流失及养分损耗 被引量:54
Soil,Water and Nutrient Loss in Young Plantation of the Inter-Cropped Tea Oil (Camellia oleifera) with Different Crops
英文题名:Soil,Water and Nutrient Loss in Young Plantation of the Inter-Cropped Tea Oil (Camellia oleifera) with Different Crops
作者:李纪元[1] 肖青[2] 李辛雷[1] 李锦明[2] 鲁仪增[1]
外文期刊名:Scientia Silvae Sinicae
外文关键词:Camellia oleifera; young plantation; surfaced runoff; soil erosion; nutrient loss
摘要:In order to understand the effect of different interplantation models on the soil and water losses of young tea oil plantations(Camellia oleifera),the soil and water losses of pure tea oil plantation;tea oil + big green bean(Phaseolus aureua);tea oil + peanut(Arachis hypogaea)were investigated for a whole year in Xinyu,located in the central Jiangxi province.The results showed that the surfaced runoff ranged from 102.03~157.29 t·hm-2a-1 with the average of 136.16 t ·hm-2a-1.The less value was observed in the inter-cropped plantation with peanut,and the runoff values from the pure plantation was very similar to that from the inter-cropped plantation with big green bean,and both were greater by 46.21% and 54.17%,respectively,compared with the inter-cropped stand with peanut.The soil erosion was 139.9~341.3 t·km-2a-1 with the average of 239.9 t·km-2a-1,and the values from the inter-cropped plantations with big green bean and peanut increased by 143.96% and 70.40%,respectively,compared with the pure oil stand.The soil erosion in the 3 type stands was all mild.The nutrient loss ranked from great to small value as the following:Ca 4.645 3 kg·hm-2a-1,K 1.402 6 kg·hm-2a-1,Mg 0.265 1 kg·hm-2a-1,P 0.042 6 kg·hm-2a-1,N 0.039 1 kg·hm-2a-1.The loss in the first half year was significantly greater than that in the second half year,regardless inter-cropped or not.The peak value appeared between March and June.The losses of N,P,and K in the inter-cropped plantation with the big green bean were less than those in the inter-cropped stand with peanut.The loss of K in the inter-cropped stand with peanut was almost the same as the pure plantation,however,the losses of N and P in the inter-cropped stand with peanut were less by 50 percent than that in the pure plantation.
In order to understand the effect of different interplantation models on the soil and water losses of young tea oil plantations ( Camellia oleifera ), the soil and water losses of pure tea oil plantation; tea oil + big green bean ( Phaseolus aureua); tea oil + peanut (Arachis hypogaea ) were investigated for a whole year in Xinyu, located in the central Jiangxi province. The results showed that the surfaced runoff ranged from 102.03 - 157.29 t·hm^-2a^-1 with the average of 136.16 t · hm^-2 a^-1. The less value was observed in the inter-cropped plantation with peanut, and the runoff values from the pure plantation was very similar to that from the inter-cropped plantation with big green bean, and both were greater by 46.21% and 54.17%, respectively, compared with the inter-cropped stand with peanut. The soil erosion was 139.9 - 341.3 t· km^-2a^- 1 with the average of 239.9 t· km^- 2 a^- 1, and the values from the inter-cropped plantations with big green bean and peanut increased by 143.96% and 70.40%, respectively, compared with the pure oil stand. The soil erosion in the 3 type stands was all mild. The nutrient loss ranked from great to small value as the following: Ca 4.645 3 kg· hm^-2a^-1 , K 1.402 6 kg· hm^-2a^-1 , Mg 0.265 1 kg · hm^- 2 a^ - 1, p 0. 042 6 kg· hm^ - 2 a^ - 1, N 0. 039 1 kg· hm^ - 2 a^- 1. The loss in the first half year was significantly greater than that in the second half year, regardless inter-cropped or not. The peak value appeared between March and June. The losses of N, P, and K in the inter-cropped plantation with the big green bean were less than those in the inter-cropped stand with peanut. The loss of K in the inter-cropped stand with peanut was almost the same as the pure plantation, however, the losses of N and P in the inter-cropped stand with peanut were less by 50 percent than that in the pure plantation.