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地形异质性对云南普洱季风常绿阔叶林物种多样性的影响     被引量:15

Effects of topographic heterogeneity on species diversity in a monsoon evergreen broadleaved forest in Pu’er, Yunnan, China



英文题名:Effects of topographic heterogeneity on species diversity in a monsoon evergreen broadleaved forest in Pu’er, Yunnan, China

作者:王艳红[1] 李帅锋[1] 郎学东[1] 黄小波[1] 刘万德[1] 徐崇华[2] 苏建荣[1]








外文期刊名:Chinese Journal of Plant Ecology





外文关键词:topographic heterogeneity;monsoon broad-leaved evergreen forest;species composition;community structure;importance value;species diversity;topographic association of woody plants


摘要:地形异质性通过调控树木生长所需的养分、水分和光照等而成为亚热带森林结构与物种组成的重要驱动因子。但是,地形异质性对季风常绿阔叶林物种多样性及其分布影响的研究还相对较少。该文基于云南普洱30hm^2森林动态监测样地(大样地) 750个20 m×20 m的样方调查数据,以海拔、坡度、凹凸度和坡向4个地形因子为变量,采用C均值模糊聚类分析大样地的地形类型,进而分析不同地形条件下的群落物种组成及群落物种多样性;采用Torus转换检验法,探讨物种与地形关联性,为季风常绿阔叶林生物多样性保护提供科学依据。研究结果表明,大样地可分为山脊、陡坡、缓坡、高谷和沟谷等5类地形,地形面积分别是8.00、6.04、7.68、2.76和5.52 hm^2。大样地中胸径(DBH)≥1 cm的木本植物个体153 418株,分属79科179属271种。5类地形中,物种丰富度、不同径级的植株密度和比例明显不同,多样性及优势物种多度分布具有较大差异。种-面积曲线表明,同等面积条件下,随着取样面积增加,山脊的物种丰富度始终最小,高谷次之,沟谷的物种丰富度始终最大。种-个体数累积曲线表明,随着个体数增加,山脊物种丰富度的累积速率最小,种丰富度增加缓慢,高谷次之。在被检验的123个物种中,与地形相关的物种有83个,高达67.5%的物种与至少一类地形存在显著相关关系。山脊和缓坡中与地形具有显著负相关关系的物种数超过显著正相关的物种数;而与陡坡、高谷和沟谷显著正相关的物种数高于显著负相关的物种数。普洱大样地地形异质性对物种多样性维持的贡献率为7.8%。
Aims In subtropical forests, topographic heterogeneity drives ecosystem structure and species composition by regulating the available nutrients, water and light needed for tree growth. A gap in current research is the role of topographic heterogeneity in plant species diversity and distribution in monsoon evergreen broad-leaved forests. Our study aims to fill this gap, providing scientific grounds for the conservation of biodiversity through an exploration of floral structure and ecosystem development in monsoon evergreen broad-leaved forests. Methods Within a 30 hm^2 dynamics plot, we established 750 20 m × 20 m sample plots, using fuzzy C-mean clustering to classify different topographic types based on elevations, convexities, slopes, and aspects of each sample plots. We compared community composition and community species diversity between different topographic types, using Torus-translation tests to examine the relationship between floral species and topography. Important findings We identified five distinct topography types: ridge(8.00 hm^2), steep slope(6.04 hm^2), less-steep slope(7.68 hm^2), high plateau(2.76 hm^2), and valley(5.52 hm^2). We counted a total of 153 418 woody plant individuals with a diameter at breast height(DBH) ≥ 1 cm, belonging to 271 species, 179 genera and 79 families. Among the topographic types, we noted differences in species richness, plant density, proportion of different diameters, species diversity and the abundance of dominant species. When comparing species-area relationships between the five topographic types, we noticed that the ridge had the lowest number of species, while the valley had the highest. The cumulative species-individual relationships within the topographic types revealed that the ridge possesses the lowest cumulative rate. Of the 123 examined species, 67.5% were significantly related to at least one type of topography. Among species significantly related to topography, those species with significant negative correlation were more abundant in the ridge and steep slope topographic types. The opposite was true in steep slope, high plateau and valley. Based on our data, we determined that topographic heterogeneity contributed 7.8% to the maintenance of species diversity in our study area.



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