花绒寄甲松褐天牛生物型的越冬特性及耐寒性 ( EI收录) 被引量:6
Overwintering Characteristics and Cold-Hardiness of Biotype of Dastarcus helophoroides(Coleoptera:Bothrideridae) on Monochamus alternatus(Coleoptera:Cerambycidae)
英文题名:Overwintering Characteristics and Cold-Hardiness of Biotype of Dastarcus helophoroides(Coleoptera:Bothrideridae) on Monochamus alternatus(Coleoptera:Cerambycidae)
作者:高尚坤[1] 张彦龙[1] 唐艳龙[1] 杨忠岐[1] 王小艺[1] 路纪芳[2] 王健[2] 司徒春南[2] 付甫永[3]
通信作者:Yang, Zhongqi
外文期刊名:Scientia Silvae Sinicae
外文关键词:Dastarcus helophoroides; biotype of Monochamus alternatus; overwinter; supercooling point; cold-hardiness
摘要:【目的】研究花绒寄甲松褐天牛生物型的越冬特性和耐寒能力,确定释放花绒寄甲防治松褐天牛的地域范围,了解林间花绒寄甲种群动态变化,为利用该优良天敌持续控制松褐天牛进而控制松材线虫病提供依据。【方法】通过调查和解剖马尾松受害木,研究花绒寄甲自然种群的越冬场所、越冬高度、聚集形式、越冬方位等特征;人工模拟花绒寄甲的6种不同越冬场所,研究花绒寄甲人工繁育种群成虫的越冬存活率,测定其过冷却点和结冰点;根据等温线划分松褐天牛分布区域,探讨花绒寄甲人工繁育种群在我国的适生范围。【结果】林间调查发现,花绒寄甲自然种群成虫多数以单头、少数以3~5头聚集在马尾松死树主干树皮裂缝和树皮下越冬。越冬部位主要分布在树高2.5~8 m范围内,7 m左右处数量最多。花绒寄甲释放后自由寻找越冬方位,以树干南面分布最多,占总数的58.33%;其次为东面,占21.79%;北面最少,占总数的9.62%。在树皮下、表土中、木质部、树干罩网、树干围网和置于林间养虫笼中所进行的花绒寄甲越冬试验中,其成虫存活率分别为68.33%±9.21%,67.92%±8.87%,73.33%±12.52%,52.08%±8.87%,52.92%±11.61%和44.17%±12.58%,各处理间差异显著。6种不同越冬场所越冬后的花绒寄甲成虫,其过冷却点和结冰点分别为-11.40,-11.25,-11.76,-11.54,-12.75,-12.89和-10.08,-9.95,-10.99,-10.39,-11.23,-12.05℃,各处理之间差异均不显著。比较过冷却点值与我国各地松褐天牛分布区的1月份低温值,人工繁育的花绒寄甲成虫能够在我国大多数松褐天牛分布区安全越冬。【结论】人工繁育的花绒寄甲种群多数以单头、少数3~5头聚集在马尾松死树主干的中上部、南面越冬,越冬存活率达60%以上,且有较低的过冷却点和结冰点。花绒寄甲能够在我国大多数松褐天牛分布区安全越冬。
【Objective】In order to know the range of an excellent parasitic enemy insect,Dastarcus helophoroides,to control the cerambycid beetle,Monochamus alternatus and its population dynamic,the overwintering characteristics and the cold-hardiness are studied,providing an valuable information for applying them to control the cerambycid beetle and furthermore through control of the vector of Bursaphelenchus xylophilus to manage the pine welt disease in China.【Method】The overwintering location and height at tree trunk,aggregation ways,azimuths of natural population of D.helophoroides were surveyed by dissecting the damaged host trees by the cerambycid.At the 6 different artificially simulated overwintering locations,the overwintering survival rate,supercooling point and freezing point were determined.Furthermore,the possible suitable range of the mass-rearing D.helophoroides biotype of M.alternatus was explored on the basis of distribution area of M.alternatus.【Result】The results showed that the parasitoid overwintering positions were mainly in the bark crevice and under the trunk bark of the dead Pinus massoniana damaged by the cerambycid.Most ofthe parasitoid stayed in individuals and some gathered with 3-5 ones together for overwintering.The overwintering location was mainly at the 2.5-8 m height range of tree trunk,with the largest numbers at the height of 7 m.They freely selected azimuths at tree trunk for overwintering,with 58.33% individuals at south,21.79% at east,and 9.62% at north.There was significant difference in survival rate at the 6 simulative overwintering sites.the survival rate of parasitoid groups were 68.33% ± 9.21%,67.92% ± 8.87%,73.33% ± 12.52%,52.08% ± 8.87%,52.92% ± 11.61% and44.17% ± 12.58%,respectively under the bark,in the surface soil layer,in the trunk xylem,in the metal net partly covered tree trunk,in the metal net completely covered tree trunk,and in the cages with shout-cut wood.The supercooling points and freezing points of D.helophoroides adults in each of the above-mentioned sites were-11.40,-11.25,-11.76,-11.54,-12.75,-12.89 ℃ and-10.08,-9.95,-10.99,-10.39,-11.23,-12.05℃,respectively,and there were no significant differences in the supercooling points and freezing points among the sites.In comparison of the supercooling values with the mean air temperature of January in the naturally distributed areas of M.alternatus in China,it was indicated that the mass-rearing adults of D.helophoroides could successfully survive and maintain their population in most of the cerambycid pest distributed areas.【Conclusion】The present study revealed the overwintering characteristics and suitable distribution regions of artificial breeding population of D.helophoroides,indicating that they could overwinter successfully at suitable distribution region and potential dispersal region of M.alternatus.Finally,these results would provide some theoretical support for scientifically releasing D.helophoroides to control M.alternatus.